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Auto Theft Unit

Our mission is to protect victims and reduce crimes involving carjacking, vehicle theft and vehicle fraud which results in lower insurance rates for all Macomb County residents.

About the Unit


Chief Jeff Hall

Deputy Chief Kyle Kole

The Auto Theft Unit of the Macomb County Prosecutor’s Office consists of two assistant prosecutors whose sole responsibility is the prosecution of serious auto theft related crimes including carjacking, insurance fraud, auto theft rings and chop shops.

The Auto Theft Unit prosecutes serious offenders from warrant authorization through trial and sentencing. The Auto Theft Unit prosecutors act as a legal advisor to the Macomb Auto Theft Squad (M.A.T.S.), Michigan State Police Auto Theft Task Forces and local law enforcement agencies on matters such as search warrants, development of evidence against organized crime rings and potential seizures under civil forfeiture laws such as the Chop Shop Act.

The Auto Theft Unit is funded with a grant from the Automobile Theft Prevention Authority (ATPA) with support from the Macomb County Board of Commissioners.

Auto theft information