Sediment is one of the largest pollutants in our rivers, lakes and streams. In order to combat the impact sediment can have on our waterways, our Soil Erosion Department is tasked with administering The Michigan Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Act Part 91 and the Macomb County Soil Erosion Ordinance. These laws protect our water resources from sediment generated from construction sites.
In any given year Public Works reviews over 1,500 projects and issue approximately 1,400 soil erosion permits for projects. The types of construction projects vary from swimming pools and new homes to shopping malls and churches. We monitor these construction projects to ensure that they are using the proper “Best Management Practices” to effectively reduce sediment from leaving the site. Our goal is to keep our waters clean for drinking water and for recreation while supporting the economic activities that help sustain our communities.
Soil erosion rules and standards
Soil erosion plan review information
All permit applications must be fully completed and include the following information:
- Single family residential projects require a PDF of the project plot plan
- All other projects must submit a PDF of the civil engineering plans
- Minor projects must submit a drawing that includes all of the plan requirements listed on the checklist below
- Plans must be sealed by an engineer
- Permit applications are available on the soil erosion webpage under the "forms" tab
Plan review checklist
- Existing and proposed grades
- Soil types, series and soil borings
- North arrow
- Plan scale
- Maintenance notes
- Project schedule (include soil erosion measures)
- Location of all erosion control devices
- Installation details for the SESC measures used on site
- Plan legend
- Macomb County SESC Notes Erosion Control Notes
- Site map location
- Show location of any county drain or associated easement if applicable *
- Legal description
- Parcel ID number
- Project size showing gross acreage disturbed.
- Any prominent physical features, rivers, streams, lakes, wetlands, conservation easements or flood plains
- Location of any dewatering facilities
- Location of any stockpiles
- The physical limits of the proposed earth change
- Details of the proposed earth change
- Label (name and distance) to the nearest watercourse, lakes or steam
- Locate crossings/taps to county drains (sanitary, storm, water main, utility)
*If there is a County drain on the property you will need to provide the location of the drain and the drain easement on the drawings.
Soil erosion details
- SESC-1 Low Point Inlet Filter
- SESC-2 Bag Frame Inlet Protector
- SESC-3 Sack Type Inlet Filter
- SESC-4 Inlet Filter
- SESC-5 Silt Fence with Support Fence
- SESC-6 Silt Fence without Support Fence
- SESC-7 Winter Frozen Ground Silt Fence with Support Fence
- SESC-8 Winter Frozen Ground Silt Fence without Support Fence
- SESC-9 Flexible Silt Fence Alternative
- SESC-10 Check Dams
- SESC-11 Enviroberm Check Dam
- SESC-12 Temporary St one Access Drive
- SESC-13 Mulch Blanket Channel Installation
- SESC-14 Staple Pattern Guide 4 Ft Wide Rolls
- SESC-15 Mulch Blanket Slope Installation
- SESC-16 Staple Pattern Guide 8 Ft Wide Rolls
- SESC-17 Mulch Blanket Shoreline Installation
- SESC-18 Staple Pattern Guide 6 67 Ft Wide Rolls
- SESC-19 Sod Inlet Filter
- SESC-20 Block and Gravel Inlet Filter
- SESC-21 Block and Gravel Inlet Filter
- SESC-22 Curb Inlet Filter
- SESC-23 Curb and Gutter Inlet Filter (Before Paving)
- SESC-24 Curb and Gutter Inlet Filter (After Paving)
- SESC-25 Detention Basin Outlet Filter (Cmp)
- SESC-26 Pump Discharge Bag
- SESC-27 Pump Discharge Bag
- SESC-28 Filter Sock Dewatering Bag
- SESC-29 Wattles
- SESC-30 Fiber Mesh Cradle
- SESC-31 Check Dams Eels
- SESC-32 General Notes Erosion Eels Used In Check Dam Applications
- SESC-33 Plan View Typical Arrangement of Eels Used For Perimeter Control
- SESC-34 Placed At Edge of Roadway Right of Way
- SESC-35 General Notes Erosion Eels Used In Perimeter Control Applications
- SESC-36 Temporary Concrete Wash Out
- SESC-37 Temporary Stockpile Areas
- SESC-38 Inlet Sediment Trap
- SESC-39 Small Curb Inlet Sediment Trap
- SESC-40 General Notes Erosion Eels Used In Inlet Protection and Concrete Washout Applications
- SESC-41 Siltation Curtains
- SESC-42 Siltation Curtains Typical Anchoring
- SESC-43 Gabion Walls
- SESC-44 Gabion Walls
- SESC-45 Rip Rap
- SESC-46 Heavy Rip Rap
- SESC-47 Turf Reinforcement Mat (General)
- SESC-48 Turf Reinforcement Mat on a Channel Bank
- SESC-49 Turf Reinforcement Mat on a Channel Bank
- SESC-50 Turf Reinforcement Mat on a Slope
- SESC-51 Turf Reinforcement Mat (Pin Pattern)
- SESC-52 Sediment Traps and Basins
- SESC-53 Sediment Basin
- SESC-54 Vegetated Buffer
- SESC-55 Diversion Ditch
- SESC-56 Earth Diversion Berm
- SESC-57 Earth Diversion Berm St one Outlet Filter