The Detective Bureau consists of trained detectives who investigate a variety of criminal complaints such as homicides, sex crimes, frauds, property crimes, assaults and juvenile matters. Each detective receives training in all aspects of investigations including interviewing, evidence collection, proper procedures, law and various other topics that relate to criminal investigations.
Our Detective Bureau has an exemplary reputation in the law enforcement community and our detectives have participated in numerous multi-jurisdictional investigations. Detectives investigate criminal complaints throughout Macomb County and in some instances are asked to investigate complaints from other police agencies within Macomb County.
Our detective lieutenant oversees all operations. Three sergeants are also assigned to the bureau who handle the day-to-day operations and see that the bureau runs smoothly and efficiently. Sixteen detectives are assigned to the bureau to handle investigative matters. Two clerical secretaries is also assigned to the bureau as support staff to assist detectives daily.
The Detective Bureau also oversees the polygraph unit. Polygraph examinations are conducted for cases handled by Sheriff’s Detectives, as well as any other agency upon request.
Evidence technicians are responsible for crime scene collections, preservation and processing of evidence that is assists our detectives in their case. They not only function in that capacity of the Sheriff's Office, but also assist other local law enforcement agencies as requested.
Additionally, the Detective Bureau directs the Friend of the Court Enforcement Unit. The FOC Enforcement Unit handles outstanding warrants for subjects who fail to pay their child support. A Detective Sergeant oversees one uniformed deputy that is assigned to the unit.
The Youth Bureau handles many different assignments including all juvenile complaints. These complaints range from school threats, vaping, criminal sexual conduct, to robbery and death investigations.
A School Resource Officer (S.R.O.) is assigned to Chippewa Valley Schools, Romeo Schools, L’Anse Creuse Schools, New Haven Schools, and Merritt Academy, also located in New Haven. The resource officer handles the issues at each campus, where the daily population can reach 3,000 people. The S.R.O. serves as a first responder, police officer, resource contact for parents and administration, and is front line in security for all in attendance there. The S.R.O. is also available in the evenings and is active in school issues and events.
Inside View
The Macomb County Sheriff’s Office proudly presents Inside View. Inside View is a program to encourage young people, ages 12-17, to weigh the consequences of their actions.
This program is a firsthand look into the life of an inmate at the Macomb County Jail. Participants are given a brief tour of the jail by our correctional deputies and hear testimonials and straight talk from inmates that are currently incarcerated. Inside View gives adolescents a good hard look at what happens when poor decision’s turn into life changing consequences. Correctional Deputies will have an informative session with the participants and then answer any questions they may have. Parents or guardians are strongly encouraged to join the youth for this opportunity.
For more information or to schedule a tour:
Click here to fill out the request form.
Call 586-307-9371 for Youth Services.
The Macomb Auto Theft Squad (M.A.T.S.) is a multi-jurisdictional task force comprised of investigators from the Macomb County Sheriff’s Office, Center Line Public Safety, Clinton Township Police Department, Roseville Police Department and Sterling Heights Police Department. The Macomb County Prosecutor's Office assigns one full time assistant prosecutor to the squad to prosecute all cases generated by M.A.T.S. and to initiate forfeiture proceedings as mandated by law. Throughout Macomb County, the Macomb Auto Theft Squad investigates car-jackings, stolen vehicles, vehicles taken without permission, failure to return rental vehicles, chop shops, vehicle title frauds, odometer frauds, vehicles with disguise identities, vehicles purchased with fraudulent information, false police reports, insurance fraud, counterfeit insurance certificates /plates/ licenses and repair/salvage facility violations.
M.A.T.S. is funded in part by the Automobile Theft Prevention Authority of the State of Michigan (ATPA) and the County of Macomb. The ATPA is governed by a Board of Directors which includes representatives from law enforcement, automobile insurers, and consumers of automobile insurance. Each year the board awards grants to law enforcement agencies, prosecutors' offices, and non-profit organizations. Grant programs help prevent motor vehicle theft and assists in the investigations of motor vehicle related crimes. The ATPA is funded by an annual $1 assessment on each insured vehicle, plus interest earned by investment of those funds.
Today’s economic environment has also impacted the increase in insurance fraud. Individuals who feel they can no longer afford to maintain their vehicles or those who simply wish to get out from under a hefty payment are turning to the crime of insurance fraud by falsely reporting their vehicles stolen to the police and to their insurance companies. As well as being a felony crime, insurance fraud directly impacts all citizens by increasing insurance rates.
The Macomb Auto Theft Squad meets the challenges of an ever changing criminal element and is constantly faced with new and elaborate schemes portrayed by criminals. With the age of technology and home computers, no longer is it just the common car thief stealing a parked vehicle. Citizens and businesses are being targeted with identify theft, fraudulent documents and illegal business practices. The internet has opened a new door used to sell stolen vehicles that are retagged to hide the fact that they are stolen. If you are buying a car on-line and the deal is too good to be true, it probably is. If you suspect that you may have encountered a stolen vehicle, either on line or on the street, contact the Macomb Auto Theft Squad.
M.A.T.S. investigators can often be found speaking at community groups and organizations with information on how to protect yourself from auto theft related crimes. If your organization is interested in a M.A.T.S. representative at one of your meetings, contact the M.A.T.S. office for further information.
The Macomb County Sheriff’s Enforcement Team (S.E.T.) is a team of detectives who conduct narcotic investigations, execute search warrants, apprehend fugitives, and assist with major criminal investigations. Members of S.E.T. work with Crimestoppers, confidential informants, other police agencies, as well as tips provided by the general public.
S.E.T. detectives review daily crime reports and develop information from a wide array of local and statewide sources. All incoming tips are investigated and, whenever possible, criminal cases are developed. S.E.T. members work in an undercover capacity and work varying hours. The Sheriff’s Enforcement Team is also available on short notice to investigate crimes where time is of the essence.
S.E.T. - Task Force Officers
The Sheriff’s Enforcement Team also provides task force officers to the U.S. Marshals, Drug Enforcement Agency (D.E.A.), Federal Bureau of Investigation (F.B.I.) and to the County of Macomb Enforcement Team (C.O.M.E.T.).
U.S. Marshals
Two S.E.T. detectives are assigned full-time as task force officers with the U.S. Marshals Service. These detectives are part of a collaborative state and local law enforcement effort to track down and apprehend violent offenders.
Drug Enforcement Administration (D.E.A.)
One S.E.T detective is assigned full-time to the Federal Anti-Narcotics Team of Macomb (F.A.N.T.O.M.) task force. This investigator develops cases through tips received from the D.E.A. and focuses on lengthy and complex narcotic investigations and/or those that span multiple jurisdictions.
County of Macomb Enforcement Team (C.O.M.E.T.)
One S.E.T. detective is assigned to C.O.M.E.T. This State Police run group was originally formed in 1982, and the Macomb County Sheriff’s Office has been a participant since its inception. Investigators assigned to COMET are partially funded by the Edward Byrne Federal/Memorial Grant. The federal grant pays one-third of the expense of the three investigators assigned. Much of the remaining expense is obtained through the forfeiture of assets.
Two Sheriff’s Office detectives are assigned full-time to the Sheriff’ Office M.A.C.E. unit. One detective concentrates on computer crime investigations and the other concentrates on the forensic review of electronic evidence. Both detectives work in coordination with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (N.C.M.E.C.) to investigate crimes against children. The detectives also work together on computer based fraud complaints also known as “cybercrime”.
M.A.C.E. presentation request
Please click here to submit the request.