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Wastewater services

An overview of the MCPWO wastewater services.

The Office of Public Works oversees three multi-community systems that collect sanitary sewage and deliver it to the Great Lakes Water Authority wastewater treatment plant in Detroit. The three systems – the Macomb Interceptor Drain Drainage District, the Martin Drain Drainage District and the 8 ½ Mile Relief Drain Drainage District – serves 800,000 residents and businesses in 14 Macomb County communities. Following the completion of repairs on the 15 Mile sewer collapse in the MIDDD system, a comprehensive Master Plan was developed for all drainage districts served by MCPWO. This Master Plan will ensure that the correct resources are deployed to managing the needed repairs to ensure sinkholes no longer happen and that all of the assets serviced by MCPWO are repaired and replaced in a fiscally responsible manner. The Master Plan is also driving significant Combined Sewer Overflow reduction programs within the southeast community drain districts.

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8.5 Mile Relief Drain Drainage District 

Constructed in the late 1960s as a 28 million gallon Retention Treatment Basin (RTB). The RTB receives flow via gravity and pumped flow and provides screening, settling and skimming with a detention time of 40.5 minutes at peak flow. All flows are treated with sodium hypochlorite to permitted levels. 

Located at 23001 Nine Mile Road (at Jefferson), St. Clair Shores, MI 48080

Constructed in 1964 as a 28 million gallon combined sewer overflow (CSO) facility

Seven total pumps with a storm event station pump capacity 700,000 gallons per minute  (1560 cfs)

Outfall structure and aeration added in early 2000’s; expanding storage to 31 million gallons

Services approximately 44,782 residents in Eastpointe & St. Clair Shores with a service area of 4,745 acres. 

Annual operation and maintenance budget of $5,390,400


Martin Sanitary Diversion District

Located at 22301 Bon Brae, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080

Constructed in the late 1960s as a 8.6 million gallon retention treatment basin (RTB) facility. The RTB is designed as a "gravity flow through" facility which provides 61 minutes of detention time with peak design flows. All flows are treated with sodium hypochlorite to permitted levels.

Flushing, disinfection, diversion chamber and inlet/outlet structures added the late 1970s

Services approximately 69,354 residents in Roseville & St. Clair Shores over a service area of 8,984 acres.

Annual operation and maintenance budget of $1,061,070

Macomb Interceptor Drain Drainage District (MIDDD) 

Purchased from Detroit Water & Sewage Department (DWSD) in 2010

38 miles of interceptor

Five in-system control structures

Clintondale Pump Station, North Gratiot Pump Station and CS-12 Pump Station

Four odor and corrosion control facilities

Services approximately 600,000 residents in Chesterfield, Clinton Township, Fraser, Harrison Township, Lenox Township, Macomb Township, New Haven, Shelby Township, Sterling Heights, City of Utica and Washington Township.

Twelve member engineering and operations and maintenance staff