Under the direction of Maintenance Superintendent Leo Ciavatta, the Maintenance Department manages all maintenance activities for MCDR, including planning, developing and implementing road maintenance programs.
The Maintenance Department has four service centers that serve all of Macomb County located in Washington Township, New Haven, Clinton Township and Shelby Township. Service Center staff are responsible for:
- Crack sealing, patching, and pothole repairs.
- Grading, brining, and maintenance of gravel roads.
- Mowing and other road-related maintenance.
- Managing service requests for road maintenance.
- Snow and ice removal.
Additional information

Service requests for road maintenance are generated at the request of the public and local government agencies throughout Macomb County. Service requests are forwarded to the appropriate service center so that a crew may be dispatched to review the maintenance request and make appropriate repairs as needed.

Michigan’s unpredictable weather impacts our roads, residents, and community, especially during the spring and winter months. The Department of Roads performs maintenance throughout the year, including pothole repairs. Macomb County understands the challenges businesses, residents, and motorists face, and we appreciate your patience and understanding as MCDR works to address the entire road network.

The Department of Roads maintains approximately 335 miles of gravel roads throughout Macomb County. Gravel roads are graded and treated on an as-needed, weather-permitting basis. The gravel road program typically begins in May once weather allows for proper brining and grading. Once the temperatures stay above freezing, MCDR crews are able to perform more long-term solutions.
In an effort to provide additional assistance to townships, the Department of Roads offers an annual gravel road program. MCDR covers 90% of the material costs and all labor costs and townships cover the remaining 10% of material costs. As part of this program, townships select which roads they would like to be graded with two to three miles of limestone applied to gravel roads in each participating township annually.

Michigan’s unpredictable weather impacts our roads, residents, and community. Road safety and winter readiness are top priorities for Macomb County. The Department of Roads works relentlessly to ensure winter operations maintain a safe and drivable road system for all Macomb County road users.
During winter months, snow removal is performed on a priority basis. All state and primary roads must be clear and safe for the motoring public before the Department of Roads can begin snow removal on local and subdivision roads. Please remember that MCDR does not receive any funding from local property taxes for road maintenance and that the amount of your property taxes does not affect the plowing and salting schedules.

Between state, county and local projects, there are hundreds of work zones throughout Macomb County every year. The Department of Roads works closely with local contractors and engineers to build some of the safest and most efficient roads in Michigan. To help keep the roads, workers, and drivers safe, MCDR strongly encourages drivers to practice these driving tips:
- Plan ahead. Expect delays, plan for them, and leave early to reach your destination on time. When you can, avoid work zones altogether by using alternate routes.
- Obey road crews and signs. When approaching a work zone, watch for cones, barrels, signs, large vehicles, or workers in bright-colored vests to warn you and direct you where to go.
- Slow down. Look for signs indicating the speed limit through the work zone. Keep a safe distance from the vehicle ahead of you and follow the posted speed limit.
- Move over. Most state move-over laws apply when passing work crews and official vehicles parked on the shoulder with flashing warning lights.
- Avoid distractions. Keep your eyes on the road and off your phone at all times.
- Watch for sudden stoppages. Don’t make sudden lane changes in front of trucks that are trying to slow down.