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American flag with Sheriff badge

Uniform services

Learn all about Uniform Services and what we provide.

Road Patrol

We have substations in each of our contracted communities and deputies deploy from these locations every day, on all three shifts.  The Sheriff’s Office provides a constant police presence, on patrol in each of these communities, 24 hours-a-day, 7 days-a-week. 

The fleet consists of approximately 75 marked patrol vehicles that are available at any given time, used to respond to emergency situations in the areas where we patrol, or to respond for assistance in any community where help is needed and requested.

Each of the patrol cars are equipped with the latest-technology, dash-mounted video-cameras 800 MHz police radios, mobile digital (laptop) computers, radar speed measuring devices, and first-responder/first-aid kits.

Some of the vehicles are also equipped with Automatic External Defibrillators (AED).  Each of our deputies are trained and equipped with Naloxone (NARCAN) kits.  Naloxone is an anti-opioid, nasal-spray which can reverse the effects of a drug-overdose.


While each deputy enforces traffic law in conjunction with their daily patrol duties, it is necessary for the office to maintain a separate division for traffic patrol.  We receive federal grant monies that help pay for more traffic safety coverage at substantial savings to the taxpayers.  The main responsibility is to investigate traffic crashes and enforce traffic laws on secondary roads in Macomb County.

The Traffic Division provides a special service to the general public in that they have specially trained deputies to assist citizens with the installation of Child Restraint Systems.  Several deputies are also trained to assist drivers (especially senior citizens) with the “Car Fit” program where it familiarizes them with all aspects of their vehicles.  Our Traffic Division assisted 418 individuals who locked their keys in their vehicles.

Varying the hours as needed, the Traffic Division focuses on crash prevention and enforcement on secondary roadways.  They respond to citizen requests for service on a daily basis and alternately patrol streets and intersections where a higher-than-normal number of crashes occur, or where citizen complaints indicate a need for strict enforcement.  The division has issued over 4,100 citations for various traffic infractions (speeding, seat belt violations, etc.) and is responsible for arresting another 739 occupants of motor vehicles either for an outstanding arrest warrant or for a traffic related offense.

The patrol cars driven by members of the Traffic Division are equipped with the latest technology, including front and rear facing radar, digital video camera systems, and in-car computers.  Several of the deputies work in an alcohol enforcement capacity, working primarily the late evening and early morning hours in order to enforce the drinking and driving laws.  Alcohol enforcement deputies receive special training in alcohol detection.  

In addition to the traffic law enforcement, the Macomb County Traffic Division investigates crashes.  Deputies assigned to the Traffic Division all have advanced training in accident investigation.  Due to the frequency of being called to investigate crashes, each deputy assigned to the Traffic Division has extensive training in the collection of evidence, and the documentation of serious injury, and fatality crashes including one deputy to handle accident reconstruction.

The Traffic Division is also comprised of a Motor Carrier Bureau.  There are four deputies that are assigned as motor carriers.  These Deputies have extensive training and are qualified to enforce weight limits as well as the multitude of laws unique to the trucks that travel the highways of Macomb County.  These deputies also conduct safety inspections on commercial vehicles that are suspected of having serious equipment violations.  These officers also work closely with the Macomb County Road Commission checking reported violations throughout the Macomb County area.

Due to the nature of traffic policing, deputies assigned to the Traffic Division are frequently requested to participate is special details or assignments such as saturation patrols around specific holidays.  The Traffic Division is also responsible for all traffic-related details such as parades, road closures, and dignitary escorts.  We are frequently requested by other local law enforcement agencies throughout the Macomb County to assist with traffic control for parade details, crash scenes and intersection control during power failures.  Along with assisting other local agencies the Division assisted our own agency on another 1,735 calls.   

The Traffic Division is also responsible for the processing of abandoned autos in our designated patrol area.  

Click here to Report an Abandoned Vehicle

Michigan law requires:

Children from birth until age 8 be properly restrained in a child safety seat or booster seat in the vehicle unless they are over 4’9” tall.  Children who are eight years old but less than sixteen years old must use a safety belt no matter where they are riding in the vehicle.

It is a well-known fact that up to 85% of all child safety seats are installed incorrectly. Knowing this, the Macomb County Sheriff’s Office has several of our deputies trained and certified through the State of Michigan Department of Community Health to address this need.

We provide free child seat safety checks and installations. Inspections are done during 7 a.m. - 10 p.m. by appointment only. You are asked to bring the following to your inspection:

  • Vehicles owner’s manual
  • Car Seat owner’s manual
  • The child that will be “properly secured” in the safety seat, if possible

To make an appointment:

Please contact Sgt. Kenneth Rumps at 586-307-9540 to schedule an appointment.

Please allow 30 minutes for the installation and safety check process.

Our Inmate Transport and Court Security Division's are responsible for providing safety and security to the judges, courthouse staff, lawyers, inmates and public.  This also includes security for the offices of the County Commissioners, Prosecutors, and Treasurer’s Office, Friend of the Court, Probate Court, Old County Building, Reimbursement, Probation Department and other ancillary offices of Macomb County within the locations listed above. 

The Court Services Lieutenant and Prisoner Transport Sergeant are responsible for the planning, scheduling and logistics of ensuring deputies are available when and where needed.  Prisoner transports include but are not limited to the following destinations: district courts, hospitals, prisons, in and out of state warrant pickups, psychological testing centers, Macomb County Circuit Court, medical facilities for mental and physical appointments.

It is the duty of the Protective Service Officers to screen the public of any items that could be considered weapons when entering the county buildings.  

Marine Division

Sheriff - Boats

The State of Michigan has approximately eight hundred thousand registered boaters.  This figure does not include kayaks, canoes, or other non-motorized vessels which are not required to be registered in the state.  The Macomb County portion of Lake St Clair, which we are responsible for, is eighty-five square miles.  This includes over thirty miles of shoreline, fifty-seven miles of rivers and streams, and a one-mile international border with Canada.  Currently, within Macomb County, there are twenty-six marinas and ten public access sites on the lake.

The Marine Division enforces and investigates all violations of marine, environmental, and criminal law on Lake St Clair.  The Marine Division is also responsible for inspecting all boat rental operations, or liveries, in Macomb County.  Currently, we inspect over one hundred vessels annually.  The Marine Division also supports the Sheriff’s Office Dive Team in their recovery efforts on Lake St Clair.

Our patrol boats are equipped with medical first responder equipment such as backboards, collars, oxygen, AED, and Narcan.  Many of our marine safety officers are licensed medical first responders, emergency medical technicians and paramedics.  The Marine Division transports injured boaters to various shore sites to transfer care to advanced life support units such as Harrison Township Fire Department or Medstar ambulance.

The Marine Division is the only agency on Lake St Clair that is equipped for fire suppression.  Our patrol boats are equipped with 500 gallon per minute Darley fire pumps. The Marine Division works in partnership with our federal, state, and local maritime law enforcement partners. We provide assistance to St. Clair and Wayne Counties for marine events on the lake.

During the winter months, the Marine Division will perform “ice rescue” when the need arises along with teaching the state approved boater’s safety class.  Our deputies teach this program in seventh grade classes, both public and parochial schools, throughout Macomb County.  Our Marine Safety Officers also teach the adult learners in the evenings in many city and township parks and recreation programs within Macomb County.  Every year, we teach over 7,000 students in our programs.  Current statistics show that 75% of all boating accidents are the result of operator error.  Our education efforts are aimed at reducing this statistic through education.   The Marine Division encourages all boaters to have a basic boater’s safety class prior to operating on the water.

We also remind everyone that anyone born after July 1, 1996 MUST have a boater’s safety class to legally operate a vessel. And anyone born after December 31, 1978 may legally operate a PWC (Jet-Ski) ONLY if they have obtained a boating safety certificate and have it on board.

Click here to download the Michigan Vessel Safety Check

Civil Division

A wide range of court papers and inmates in the Macomb County Jail can be personally served through this division. Fees are determined by location and can be found below (please note that each paper served is charged a fee which means that multiple services to the same address requires more than one fee).

Types of papers served by this department are:

  • Summons and Complaints
  • Affidavits and Accounts
  • Order to Show Cause
  • Subpoenas
  • Small Claims
  • Garnishments
  • Divorce Papers
  • Personal Protection Orders (PPO’s)

For papers to be posted in a public place in the city or township for Notice of Sale under an Order for the Seizure of Property or Construction liens, please use the same fee schedule as papers for personal service.

For papers to be served by mail: A $15.00 fee is charged.

Please send papers to be served/posted/mailed along with the proper fee to the following address:

Macomb County Sheriff's Office, Civil Division

10 N. Main, 1st Floor

Mt. Clemens, MI 48043

Please note: Any information regarding the person(s) being served such as: type of car driven, hours of employment, hours most likely to be at address, description, etc. would be appreciated and could expedite service. Also, if an address provided is incorrect and we are able to obtain a correct address, an additional fee of $15.00 will be charged.

Please make all checks payable to:

Civil Staffing Resources, LLC

Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope for return of your proof of service.

Download the schedule of fees.


Seizing of property

Request and Order to Seize Property, Order of Eviction or Writ of Restitution of Premises can be directed to this division for execution. Please note that a $50.00 deposit should accompany the papers, which can also be sent to the 10 N. Main address noted above.

Fees - Order Returned Satisfied

If an Order for Seizure of Property is returned satisfied and if satisfied prior to the sale or settlement between parties, the following fees apply: 7% of the first $8,000 in payments or settlement amounts + 3% of payments or settlements exceeding the first $8,000 + reimbursement of expenses.

Fees - Order Returned Unsatisfied

If an Order to Seize Property is returned unsatisfied (no property to seize could be found) the fee charged is, then $33.00 + mileage + reasonable expenses.

Levying of property

Levying of property can be performed if a Request and Order to Seize Property is returned unsatisfied and the order date is less than 90 days from the filing date. The $50.00 fee should accompany the papers, which can also be sent to the 10 N. Main address noted above.

Sheriff sale  

For sale of property under an Order for the seizure of property the fees of 7% of the first $8,000 in receipts + 3% of receipts exceeding the first $8,000 + reimbursement of expenses apply. The Sheriff’s Office will put for auction both, real and personal property. Please note that the procedure for sale of real property is expensive and time consuming. The redemption period is 15 months and the price is subject to mortgage and any other liens.

The Macomb County Sheriff only acts as the auctioneer for the mortgage foreclosure sales, and does not have prior information about the sales, such as what property and/or the price of property. 

Sales occur every Friday, at below listed location:

Macomb County Circuit Court building (1st Floor - Jury Room)

40 N. Main, 1st Floor, Mt. Clemens, MI 48043

Bid sheets which have been delivered to the Office of the Sheriff will be read off promptly at 10:00 a.m. Interested bidders should be certain to arrive in time to hear if the property is listed for sale on that day. If the property is not read off, this would indicate that the sale has either been cancelled or postponed to a later date.

One hour after completion of reading the bids, the auction of each individual piece of property will commence. Each property will be auctioned in the order in which it was read from the bid sheets.

In the event no bids are made on a particular piece of property, the sale on that property will be considered final and later bids will not be allowed. If bids are made on a particular piece of property, the auction will continue until there is one final highest bidder. After the initial One Dollar ($1) overbid, all bids must be in a minimum of Five Hundred ($500) Dollar increments. Once the highest bid has been made on a particular piece of property, the sale will be considered final, and no further bids will be accepted.

The successful 3rd party bidder will be present for payment 2 cashier/certified checks. The first check will be for the amount that satisfies the bank and will be made payable to the successful bidder, who will then endorse the check over to the mortgagee/assignee upon completion of the sale. Please note: The amount of the check may or may not be the amount published in the legal notice. It is the bidder's responsibility to contact the mortgagee to determine the correct amount. The second check will be for the overbid amount and will be made payable to Civil Staffing Resources, LLC. Cash will only be accepted for the One Dollar ($1) overbids. Fees payable to the Register of Deeds will become the responsibility of the successful bidder. In the event a successful bid is in excess of the amount listed in the legal notice, the successful bidder will be allowed one hour to present the additional necessary funds.

Bidders are obligated to fulfill this contract. It is, therefore, strongly urged that bidders bring as much money in certified/cashiers checks with them to the auction as they feel necessary to secure the property. Bidders will be asked to produce their certified/cashiers check for the amount of the money listed in the legal notice at the time of the bid.

The paperwork necessary to issue the Sheriff’s Deed is completed at: 

Macomb County Sheriff Office, Civil Division
10 N. Main - 1st Floor
Mt. Clemens, MI 48043

Unless a confirmed bankruptcy or court action necessitates a sale being canceled or adjourned, all sales are considered final. We suggest all interested bidders contact the bankruptcy court in the morning prior to the sales for pertinent information.


Call us at 586-307-9383