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Macomb County Sheriff

Reserve units and volunteers

Interested in learning about our Reserve Deputies or Volunteers? Find all information and applications for each unit below.

Overview and Applications

ACE Unit

In March of 2008, the Macomb County Sheriff’s Office began a new volunteer reserve program of local citizens, to enforce handicapped parking violations.

ACE (Accessibility Compliance Enforcement) reserves write tickets to vehicles with expired handicapped parking placards, vehicles parked illegally in the stripped zone designated for lift-equipped vans, and vehicles which illegally display a permit.

This civilian reserve team looks for parking spaces designated for people with disabilities. They are looking for proper display of handicapped parking placards which are current and valid. These parking enforcement specialists may issue a valid parking citation or, in cases of a minor violation - a warning.

Download application here.


The Macomb County Sheriff’s A.T.V. (All-Terrain Vehicle) Reserve Unit is one of the most versatile units within the Sheriff’s Office. Its capabilities for providing law enforcement on Macomb Counties rural trails, as well as assisting full-time deputies throughout the county has been well proven since its inception.

The units’ primary responsibility is patrolling of the Macomb Orchard Trail, which crosses the county from Richmond to Stony Creek Metro Park, the Metro Parkway bike trail, various state and county recreation areas and emergency response search and rescue operations. The unit has also participated at events throughout the county, providing security, traffic control and public relations.

As with all other reserve units, the individual members of the A.T.V. unit provide their own resources necessary to accomplish their mission. This includes the all-terrain vehicle, tactical equipment, uniforms and uncompensated duty time. All this is done to serve the needs of the Sheriff’s Office and the citizens of Macomb County.

Download application here.



The Aviation Division of the Macomb County Sheriff's Office is an organization of volunteer who function in a support status, to provide aviation-oriented services to the citizens of Macomb County.

The Aviation Division may also serve in times of emergency, disaster, civil disorder or community need. The Aviation Division may provide such aviation-oriented services and rescue, marijuana eradication, surveillance, traffic observation, transportation and security during public functions.

Download application here.

Sheriff - Bike Unit

Putting police officers on bicycles is actually a very old idea that has made a strong come back in the past decade. Bike patrols were started in an attempt to find a less expensive alternative to patrolling. Bicycles were less expensive than vehicles and did not have the high maintenance cost of horses.

Having a police officer on a bicycle has many advantages: it makes the officer more approachable by the public without the car doors and windows forming a barrier between the officer and citizen, allowing for more informal interactions. This approachability fits in well with the Macomb County Sheriff's "vision" and our commitment to community policing. The bicycle also attracts children to the deputies, which creates a learning situation for safe riding discussions.

A bicycle can also access areas a car cannot go, such as trails, yards, and some alleys. This broadens our patrol abilities. The bike officers also actively patrol the county parks, fairs, festivals and participate in parades and special events.

To be qualified for the bike unit, an officer must attend training. During this training, the officer is taught advance riding skills, defensive and offensive riding strategies and general bike maintenance. The officers currently working the bike unit come from citizens throughout the county who have volunteered to give back to their community.

The Bicycle Patrol also works in presenting Bike Safety Education to reinforce safety skills, encourage children (and parents) to ALWAYS wear a helmet (you won't see us without ours!!!!)

Download application here.

Sheriff - MACE Unit

The Macomb Area Computer Enforcement (M.A.C.E.) reserve unit was established in the year 2001 to assist the detectives in gathering evidence online.  The unit is currently comprised of several reserve deputies that provide awareness and prevention training. This hand-picked talent and collective knowledge base surrounding criminal investigation, computer crime, IT, and computer security indicates the Macomb County Sheriff’s Office is serious about combating all forms of cybercrime. Reserve officers of the M.A.C.E. unit serve on a strictly volunteer basis at no cost to the community.

M.A.C.E Reserves Deputies conduct presentations to schools and organizations covering everything from internet safety to identity theft. Many of those participants are officials who then utilize the training we have provided to educate their peers and subordinates. M.A.C.E. offers custom tailored training based on age group including a student base beginning at 3rd grade. These presentations are free of charge to all attendees and contain up to date information on the latest techniques and avenues of various crimes committed on the internet.

Download application here.

Sheriff - MSO Reserve

The Sheriff’s Office Marine Reserve program was started in 1989 by Sheriff William Hackel to assist sworn deputies with patrolling on Lake Saint Clair.  Over the years the program has expanded to include reservists becoming State of Michigan certified boater’s safety instructors and staffing public information booths at the various boating events in the Metro Detroit area.  Many of our safety and public education efforts would not be possible without the assistance of our marine safety officers.

The marine safety officers attend the same basic evening academy that other Macomb reservists attend.  After graduation, marine safety officers attend additional training for marine law under PA 451 of 1994.  The new marine safety officer is then mentored through hands-on training with the patrol vessel, rescue equipment, navigational problem solving, radio communications, medical first responder and maritime firefighting. 

The marine safety officers donate thousands of hours each year to the community.  If serving on Lake St Clair interests you, we invite you to apply.

Download application here.

Sheriff - Motor Unit

Motor reserves provide many services to Macomb County at no expense to taxpayers. The motorcycles are marked units owned and maintained by each motor-officer at their own expense.

These motor reserves assist with parades, civic events and traffic control. The unit can also be used for disasters, emergencies, search & rescue, traffic control, public information displays and as a visible crime deterrent.

Members make a high priority of training along with their other assignments; they train on the motorcycles to keep their riding skills at peak performance. This includes both low and high speed and obstacle riding on a designated training course.

Download application here.

Sheriff - Mounted

The police horse is an effective part of modern law enforcement. Increasing numbers of law enforcement agencies are establishing mounted units each year. Horses are by far the most effective crowd control tool available due to the height advantage, high visibility and excellent maneuverability. They are valuable in patrolling areas inaccessible by vehicles and can cover far greater area than foot patrols.

Perhaps most importantly, the police horse is an excellent public relations tool. Mounted officers create a sense of security simply by their presence and frequently enjoy a special relationship with the citizens that they serve. Establishing and building upon these relationships is key to the concept of community policing. The Macomb County Sheriff's Mounted Division is made up of experienced equestrians, dedicated to community service who share a common interest in mounted law enforcement and organized riding.

Before being accepted as a deputized member of the division, each member must successfully complete an extensive training and qualification program. Typically, this program takes about six months, during which time the probationary members become proficient in the use of their horse in crowd and traffic control, become qualified marksmen and train in law enforcement techniques. The deputies and their mounts train together, learning to perform their assignments as a team.

With public safety as a foremost concern, deputies and their mounts train regularly in such skills as mounted drill, crowd control, official security, street patrols and mounted law enforcement techniques. The horse and rider are regularly put through a confidence course that exposes them to many of the obstacles they may typically encounter. They must be routinely able to cope with sirens, gun shots, fireworks, flares and all manner of street distractions. Exposure to these situations schools the horse to cope with these encounters and prepares the deputy to maintain safe control in public.

In addition to the division's own training program, the deputies and their mounts participate in special training events in conjunction with other agencies. Members also participate in mounted police training and competitions at the local through national level. Although the mounted deputies are thoroughly trained in various law enforcement duties, a primary role of the Mounted Division is community service and public relations. The division takes part in numerous public events each year, participating in parades, fairs, festivals, charity functions and memorial services. Through participation in these events, mounted deputies serve as ambassadors for the community, projecting a positive image of law enforcement and generating goodwill among the public.

The Mounted Division has maintained a fine record of law enforcement excellence and community service. In its recent history the division has provided mounted security for United States Presidents, the Governor of Michigan and numerous political leaders and noted personages. Through their law enforcement work and community relations efforts, mounted officers provide an important public service and are a great asset to the citizens they protect. The Mounted Division is proud of its traditions and its long association with the community. It is an organization in which Macomb County can truly take pride in.

Download application here.

Sheriff - Explorers

The post has been in existence since 1978. The post is affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America, Great Lakes Council. It includes students from all over Macomb County and provides young adults (ages 14 - 20) with the opportunity to learn about careers in law enforcement.

The program allows participants the opportunity to explorer a career in law enforcement by working with the Sheriff’s Office and other local law enforcement agencies. Although not all explorers pursue this career, it provides them with a better understanding of the laws that govern our society. It also provides the explorers with "hands-on" experience relating to the field of law enforcement and corrections.

The goal of the program is to educate young men and women about law enforcement through classroom instruction, practical exercises and community service.  The curriculum is meant to help the explorer decide if the field of law enforcement is right for them, develop team building and provide a solid foundation for which they can build a future career.

Note: Explorers are not licensed law enforcement officers and do not have authority to make arrests.

Application Requirements

  • Must be between the ages of 14 and 20
  • Must maintain a “C” average in school and be in good standing
  • No criminal history and a satisfactory driving
  • Be a resident of Macomb County

For further information about the program, email:

Sheriff - Dave - Senior Volunteer

Our Senior Volunteers give their time to help the citizens of Macomb County.  They are the first face you see as you enter the Sheriff's Office.  You can always count on seeing their smile and offering assistance.  When you aren't sure where to go for prisoner information, CPL registrations, filing a report or a general question, these men and women are here to help.  We thank them for their time and hard work, please thank them as well if you see them at the desk.

Would you like to inquire or apply to be a Senior Volunteer when a position opens?
Download Application Here 

You can drop off applications addressed to: Karen Koppin in Administration - Macomb County Sheriff's Office or email scanned copy to: