Rain Fall Data
A link to download a map, showing 22 rain gauges is provided here. These rain gauges continuously record precipitation data on a 5-minute interval.
Shown below is an interactive map that provides near real time rain fall data as well as historical data for download. The data provided in this interactive map is raw and will be reviewed by Macomb County Public Works Staff on a monthly basis for quality assurance.
Daily rainfall volume summaries by month are provided in the links below.
Additional rainfall data requests to the Macomb County Public Works Office can be sent to wastewaterwebportal@macombgov.org.
Rainfall values presented on the interactive map below display a cumulative event total. An event is defined by any occurrence of rain, preceded by 24 hours without precipitation that results in an accumulation of 0.01 inches or more.
The following rain gauges are temporarily disabled due to active construction projects at their locations and are shown in grey on the interactive map.
- M-03
Macomb County Rain Fall Data Map