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Smart Gardening

An initiative from Michigan State University Extension that helps people become great gardeners who are environmentally savvy and smart!

Picture of the Smart Gardening logo

Smart Gardening is an initiative from Michigan State University Extension that helps people become great gardeners who are environmentally savvy and SMART! It is a campaign to help new and experienced gardeners adopt and implement real-life techniques in their yard and garden that will help them save time, money and the environment! IPM or Integrated Pest Management has long been a hallmark of MSU Extension programs but often times gardeners cannot unravel the amount of information that comes their way—-from educational institutions, magazines and commercial product producers. “Smart” helps people adopt proven, university-researched tactics in their own backyards.

Smart Gardening messages and concepts are based upon these themes: Smart Plants, Smart Lawns, Smart Soils, Smart Vegetables and Smart Pollinators.

A first look into the “Smart Gardening” initiative begins at the Gardening in Michigan website where short videos, tip sheets, a toll-free hotline and the Ask-an-Expert widget can be found.

Lawn and garden

Picture of a flower bed

Whether you’re looking to save money, love fresh flavor or working with nature, Michigan is a great place for growing fruit, vegetables, flowers and landscape plants. MSU Extension offers resources including the popular Extension Master Gardener program.

For more information on upcoming events, news and resources, click here.

Community gardening

Picture of three people working in a small garden

Michigan is a great place for growing fruits, vegetables, flowers and landscape plants in a community setting. MSU Extension offers many programs for school and community gardeners to help them create beautiful spaces and grow delicious produce.

For more information on upcoming events, news and resources, click here.

Home gardening

Picture of a vegetable garden

Michigan is great for growing fruit, vegetables, flowers and landscape plants. MSU Extension offers many resources including the Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Program, the Smart Gardening initiative and a gardening hotline at 1-888-678-3464.

To reach the Michigan State University Extension website about home gardening, including topics covering vegetable gardening, home lawns, gardening for pollinators, home trees and shrubs, backyard fruit trees, flower gardening, soils and composting, and indoor plants and pests, click here.

To contact Ask an Expert, click here.


Picture of a flower bed with a grass border

Whether you are a professional landscaper or homeowner, MSU Extension is your connection to the most trusted information on designing, installing and caring for the environments where we live and work.

For more information on upcoming events, news and resources, click here.


Picture of a golf ball on a green inches from the hole

MSU Extension’s focus on turfgrass management brings together faculty, specialists, and educators who work with both professional turfgrass managers and homeowners in managing turfgrass in an environmentally responsible manner.

To learn More about athletic fields, golf courses, home lawns, and sod production, click here.

Water usage

Picture of an active lawn sprinkler

The Institute of Water Research at Michigan State University is dedicated to developing science-based technology, research, educational programs, and partnerships to help understand and address critical water issues.

Learn more at Michigan State University's Institute of Water Research.