Whether you are looking to save money or just love fresh vegetables, flowers and working in your garden, MSU Extension offers many resources including the popular Master Gardener Volunteer Program. If you have gardening questions or need to identify a plant or insect call our state Hotline at 888-678-3464 Monday, Wednesday or Friday from 9 a.m. to Noon. Ask Extension is another option and is available by clicking here. Experts typically answer within two business days.
For a small fee, limited appointments are available to Macomb County residents for plant or insect identification through Macomb's Extension office. To make an appointment, call 586-469-6085 or email lowenst6@msu.edu. The Plant and Insect Diagnostic form can be found here.
Breakfast on the Farm
Smart Gardening
Master Gardener Program
Pesticide Education and Certification
Gypsy Moth/Spongy Moth Suppression Program
Online gardening in Michigan

Macomb County's MSU Extension Agriculture and Horticulture contacts:
David Lowenstein, Extension Educator
Meghan Cassidy, Administrative Support