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Juvenile Justice Center

Juvenile Justice Center services

Juvenile Justice Center services


Health Services

Health Services Direct Number: 586-469-6551

The Juvenile Justice Center offers on-site medical services to youth through our contracted healthcare provider, Wellpath. Wellpath has highly trained healthcare providers who specialize and are accredited in correctional healthcare. All youth placed in the facility undergo an initial health screening at the time of admission. All youth also receive a physical examination including a tuberculosis screening following admission. Medical professionals are on site 7 days per week to dispense medications, respond to routine sick calls, and complete health screenings and physicals. All medical treatment is under the supervision of a licensed physician.

If a resident placed in short-term detention is required to take a prescription medication the Court may arrange for the parent to deliver medication to the facility. Once received, the medical staff will work diligently to verify the medication, obtain needed parental consent and ensure the medication is administered as prescribed.

In the event of a medical emergency youth are transported to a local hospital.

Food services program

The Juvenile Justice Center participates in the National School Lunch and Breakfast Program, which ensures that the nutritional quality of meals meets minimum requirements. The Juvenile Justice Center contracts with a local food vendor to provide meals that meet these requirements. Residents receive three balanced meals and a snack each day. The facility’s policies prohibit the withholding of food as a form of punishment or to induce behavior. Special medical dietary needs can be accommodated upon the direction of the facility medical staff.

Local wellness policy

Local wellness policy public participation

Summer food program - Meet up and Eat up

Mental health services 

The Juvenile Justice Center provides on-site mental health services for youth placed in the short-term detention program. Our qualified mental health professionals provide on-going individual and group therapy utilizing an array of evidenced based clinical interventions. In addition, clinical staff provide crisis management services as needed.