Jury room contact info
- Address: Macomb County Jury Room
40 North Main Street, Mount Clemens, MI 48043 - Phone: 586-469-5158
- FAX: 586-469-5204
- Email: juryroom@macombgov.org
SCAM Alert!
Please be advised the Court does not call to inform anyone that they owe money or request gift card payment for failing to appear for jury duty.
If you receive one of these phone calls, please contact the Sheriff's Department at (586) 469-5151. Do not pay this individual.
If you have questions about jury service, please contact (586) 469-5844.
Macomb County Jury Service updates information every day for the following day’s activities. You can call 586-307-3074 the night before your scheduled date of service after 5 p.m. when you call. If you are not scheduled to report, this will complete your service for this term.
The Macomb County Clerk oversees jury services for Macomb County Circuit Court and Probate Court and the qualification process for the district courts of Macomb County. Jurors are selected randomly based on a list of Macomb County residents who possess a Michigan State Driver’s License and/or Michigan State Identification Card. This process starts over each year so you may be called multiple years in a row.
There are only certain reasons that the Jury Room can excuse or exempt a person from service. Most requests will need accompanying documentation. We CANNOT excuse someone due to their understanding of the English Language. Please address any concerns with the judge and attorneys if you are chosen for voir dire. Please note that sending in documentation does not automatically mean that you will be excused. We do not excuse for financial or child care hardships. Those are considered by the trial judge during voir dire.
- Non-Resident -- Documents needed: Copy of out-of-county driver license
- Non-Citizen -- Documents needed: Copy of permanent resident card or other document indicating non-citizenship
- Medical -- Documents needed: Note from a physician indicating that excusal from jury service is necessary due to medical condition (the actual condition need not be stated by physician).
- Served as juror the past year -- Documents Needed: Documentation of receipt of payment from court where service was performed within the past twelve months.
- Nursing a child -- Documents needed: a letter from a physician, lactation consultant, or certified nurse midwife.
- Active military -- Documents needed: Military orders.
One deferral is granted without the need for any documentation. Subsequent to that, only certain requests for deferrals will be granted. You can contact jury services should you have a request.
- Felony -- Documents Needed: Fill out questionnaire and indicate "yes" to felony.
- Over 70 years of age -- Documents Needed: A phone call asking for disqualification or answering "yes" on questionnaire to opt out of service.
- Deceased -- Documentsneeded: Telephone call
There are several parking lots in close proximity to the Courthouse. parking rates vary from three hours to 10 hours at $0.50 per hour to $1 per hour. A sign is posted on each meter indicating the rate for that meter. Street metered parking is $1 per hour (up to 10 hours).
The jury room is located on the 1st floor of the Macomb County Circuit Court building, 40 North Main Street, Mount Clemens, MI 48043. If you need directions, call our hotline at 586-469-5158.
The Macomb County Clerk in partnership with Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation ("SMART") offers free bus rides for jurors to and from jury duty. CLICK HERE for SMART bus route information. For further information, please call the jury room at 586-469-5158.
Business casual is the term of the day while serving as a juror. Please do not wear tee-shirts, shorts, halter-tops, jeans or hats into the courthouse.
The Macomb County Clerk introduced the One Day – One Trial system in 2005. You should plan on being here from 8 a.m. to approximately 4:30 p.m. However, actual time of dismissal is determined by the needs of the court. If you are picked for a jury, the judge on the case will provide you with details of when and where to report.
Compensation is $15 for the first half day, and $30 for the first full day. Any subsequent half days are compensated at $22.50 and any subsequent full days are compensated at $45.
As a courtesy, we provide free Wi-Fi access to jurors in the jury room and throughout the court building. You may bring cell phones, computers and other electronic devices. You will pass through security upon entering so please make sure you do not have any small knives or other items that may be considered a weapon. If you are sent to a courtroom, you will need to turn off all electronic devices.
- Please wear your juror badge at all times while you are serving.
- Do NOT consume any alcoholic beverages or illegal substances during lunch and/or breaks.
- Do NOT talk about any case you are sitting on until the case is complete and you are in deliberations with your fellow jurors.
Our office has puzzles, magazines and playing cards available for your use. You may bring in your own books or magazines also.
- Downtown Mount Clemens features many restaurants, retail stores and services (all within walking distance).
- The Courthouse Cafe is located in the basement of the Circuit Court Building and features a full lunch menu with daily specials.
Please contact our staff -- 586-469-5158 -- for your 10-digit Candidate ID number and use the on-line system to complete the Questionnaire. You will just need that Candidate ID number to check in on your day of service.
Contact one of the jury clerks -- 586-469-5158 -- and they will be happy to defer your service to a later date. You will receive a new summons approximately six weeks prior to your next reporting date.