Call the court to schedule an appointment at 586-725-9500 option 4.
- One party must reside in Chesterfield Township, Lenox Township, New Baltimore, or New Haven.
- Marriage license
- $10 cash fee
- Two witnesses (including their addresses) over the age of 18.
Marriage licenses are obtained at the Macomb County Clerk's Office.
Record Requests/Copies
- Criminal/Traffic cases - requests for certified copies of dispositions/convictions must be submitted via mail, dropbox or email
- Civil cases - requests for certified copies of dispositions must be submitted via mail, dropbox or email
- Please specify the case number, the year the incident took place and the name (first, middle and last name) of the party you are searching for
- Certified copy of disposition/conviction - $10.00, cash or credit card only
- All other copies - $1.00 per copy, cash or credit card only