All Landlord-Tenant cases are held by Zoom
Judge Andary Meeting ID: 236 540 4377 Passcode: 030721
To file a Landlord-Tenant Case at the 42-1 District Court - Romeo:
- The property must be located within Armada Township, Bruce Township, Ray Township, Richmond Township, Washington Township, Village of Armada, Village of Romeo, Memphis (south of Boardman Rd) or Richmond
- A Summons and Complaint must be filed with the court, along with the Notice to Quit and a copy of the lease.
- The plaintiff is required to have the above documents served upon the defendant.
- The plaintiffs may request the court to mail an additional copy of the above documents on the defendant for an additional $13 fee.
Filling Fees:
Possession Only or Land Contract Possession Only | $55 |
Possession and Money Damages:
$0 - $600 | $90 |
$601 - $1750 | $110 |
$1751 - $10,000 | $130 |
$10,001 - $25,000 (Maximum) | $215 |
*These filing fees do not include process server fees, motion fees, or post judgment costs.
All Summons and Complaints are served by the 42-1 Court Officers. Cost is determined by the location of the defendant's residence.
42-1 District Court Civil Division email
42-1 District Court Civil Division phone 586-752-9679, option 4.