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42 Judicial Court Romeo

42-1 District Court - Romeo

A limited jurisdiction court handling civil cases, criminal cases, and traffic cases.

Judge Jennifer A. Andary

Judge Jennifer A. Andary

Court hours:  Monday - Friday 8 a.m. to Noon and 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

The 42-1 Judicial District Court is a limited jurisdiction court serving Romeo, Washington Township, Armada Village, Armada Township, Richmond, Richmond Township, Memphis (south of Bordman Rd.), Ray Township and Bruce Township. The Court has jurisdiction over criminal misdemeanors, civil cases in which the amount in dispute is $25,000 or less, parking violations, traffic violations and other civil infractions, landlord-tenant disputes, and small claims matters up to $7,000. In addition, the Court has initial jurisdiction on criminal felony cases for the purpose of determining probable cause.

Zoom Meeting Information:

Judge Andary Meeting ID: 236 540 4377   Passcode: 030721

Magistrate Davis Meeting ID: 161 0753 5262

Magistrate Slanec Meeting ID: 161 0753 5262

Payment Options:

  • Online: Pay online (service fees apply)  Pay location code: 1437
  • Phone: 888-604-7888 and use pay location code: 1437
  • Mail (checks/money orders - make checks payable to 42-1 District Court): 14713 33 Mile Road, Romeo, MI 48065
  • Dropbox (checks/money orders): located on the east side of the court building
  • Credit Cards (service fees apply)

Note – if your license is suspended, you must pay by cash or credit card. 

Departments and Staff

42-1 District Court Judge

Jennifer A. Andary

42-1 District Court Magistrate

Jeffrey R. Davis

42-1 District Court Administrator/Magistrate

Darra Slanec

Criminal Division

Civil Division

Traffic Division


586-752-9679 option 5

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