Information about Macomb County’s 401a or 457b is on our Vanguard page. Also available are financial education and advisory information available to Macomb County employees.
DROP - Deferred retirement options plan
This page will provide information about the DROP, including who is eligible and how it works.
Pension/DROP calculator
Members of the Macomb County Employees' Retirement System (MCERS) can use the Pension/DROP Calculator to get retirement estimates and DROP balances.
Retirement/DROP schedule
Lists of dates members of the Macomb County Employee Retirement System can enter the DROP or retire once retirement criteria have been met.
Active employee and deferred retirement forms
Applicable forms for active employees and deferred retirement.
Retirement frequently asked questions
The most commonly asked questions about retirement and retirement savings.
Human Resources-Retirement staff directory
Human Resources-Retirement staff is here to help employees, retirees, and their families with questions and information related to retirement.