There are many benefits to planting a tree. Through the Green Macomb program, our goal is to increase the urban tree canopy of Macomb County.
Grow your investment
- Homes with trees sell 2 days faster and for up to 15% more.
- People will pay 7% higher in rental rates for commercial offices with high quality trees.
- A tree is the only asset that increases in value with age; homeowners get 109% return for investing in trees.
Live better
- Trees may save up to 7 lives a year in big cities by removing particulates from air and improving cardiovascular health.
- Increasing community trees can have health benefits equivalent to a $10,000 annual income increase.
- Urban nature improves alertness and reduces mental fatigue in children increasing academic success.
- Frequent exposure to trees and green landscapes help individuals recover from chronic, low-grade stress.
Reduce pollution
- Trees can reduce dangerous air pollutants ozone by 15%, sulfur dioxide by 14%, and nitrogen dioxide by 8%.
- By removing particulates from the air, trees reduce heart and lung disease and can save up to 7 lives a year in big cities.
- A mature pin oak in your yard can intercept 5500 gallons of rainfall/yr which is equal to over 200 loads of laundry.
- Rain soaks into soil 50% better under a tree canopy.
Support your community
- The presence of trees improves residents’ perception of safety and promotes use of public spaces.
- By calming aggressive behaviors, trees can reduce violent crime by 56%; by signaling a home is cared for and likely monitored, trees can reduce property crime by 48%.
- Trees along streets slow traffic by 3 – 15 mph and reduce accidents.
- Visitors will spend 9-12% more on goods and services and stay longer in business districts with trees.
Save energy
- 3 properly placed trees can reduce annual air condition costs by 56%.
- Areas shaded from trees may be 20-45° Fahrenheit cooler than the peak temperatures of unshaded material.
- Trees can reduce home heating bills by 10% by serving a by serving as a windbreak from winter winds.