The Gateways for Growth Challenge Grant application provided an opportunity for OneMacomb to garner resources, to gather targeted data and gather public opinion. Once OneMacomb was granted the award, information was used to guide members of a steering committee as they developed a strategic plan for making Macomb County more inclusive. As a result of this process, Macomb A.C.T. (Active Cultural Togetherness) – complete with a nine-page operating agreement – was formed.
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How did OneMacomb get here:
- 25 to 30 community partners were involved.
- Macomb County leaders encouraged community groups to work on common interests.
- There was an assumption that community groups could have more impact making Macomb more inclusive if they organized and coordinated work on key strategic issues.
- Experienced consultants were hired to help facilitate the process.
- A diverse Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) was created to guide process.
- The SPC met with the consultants.
Moving forward:
- The County, through OneMacomb, will continue logistical support to a new organizational structure (free meeting places, scheduling help, invitations, etc.)
- The Couny is moving forward on two separate but related tracks:
- Creating an appropriate organizational framework or structure; and,
- Planning strategically on priority subjects.
Strategic task groups:
- Create more two-way dialogue/interaction with police personnel and members of the community.
- Partner on initiatives that foster more positive interaction between police personnel and youth.
- Create additional and utilize existing surveys as an effective way to gain feedback from community and law enforcement officers.
- Support recruitment of diverse candidates in law enforcement/
- Build upon and support existing programs that foster positive interactions between community and police.
- Identify specific family needs and communication strategies.
- Identify job opportunities and requirements for non-English speaking workers.
- Identify multilingual health centers that have Arabic speaking staff in areas near Madison Heights and Warren.
- Create and/or enhance resource databases and reference guides.
- Provide training, workshops and written information in multiple languages on topics such as financial literacy, public transportation and community resources.
- Expand formal family mentorship programs (ie: training of the trainers).
- Explore how Macomb schools and districts are working toward inclusion for all students.
- Explore resources districts have for refugee / immigrant students and how these resources are communicated.
- Work to create opportunities for open dialogue between diverse community members and educators.
- Survey Macomb districts about their hiring process - are they getting diverse applicants? What has prevented them from hiring a more diverse staff?
- Explore what districts are doing to celebrate and acknowledge other cultures.
- Connect with teacher unions.
- Provide education and training for administrators and teachers.
- Employ storytelling to provide examples of how employers have created a welcoming environment.
- Increase participation and access to available resources for personal financial literacy.
- Employ storytelling to share successes of businesses which utilize minority suppliers.
- Improve access to information for employers about diversity and cultural competency training.
- Increase access to information about starting a business.
- Workforce development programs.
- Identify service provider barriers.
- Increase awareness of immigrant / refugee resource available in Macomb County.
- Increase awareness of transportation resources available.
- Identify cultural competence training for service providers.