Our targeted industries include: automotive and mobility; aerospace and defense; automation and robotics; agriculture and food processing; and distribution and logistics.
In this section, also learn about Taxes and incentives and read about local Success stories.

More than $408.7 million was invested in Macomb County businesses in 2024. Those business opportunities created 2,008 jobs. Click here to download information about total investments in Macomb County in 2023.

Success stories
Business success is celebrated with the help of the Macomb County Planning and Economic Development team

Taxes and incentives
Our professional team of economic developers can direct you to the program or programs you need to revive, support or grow your business.

Informational and data reports
The Annual Comprehensive Financial Report and our Macomb By the Numbers data.

Macomb Next Industry 4.0 project
A Macomb County initiative that helps area companies gain a better understanding of how new technology can lead to greater efficiency and sustainability.