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Records office

The Records Office is responsible for retaining a variety of data including incident reports, traffic tickets and accident reports, but most importantly, they maintain all the criminal records for the department.

We will be CLOSED on the below observed holidays:

11-28 Thanksgiving

11-29 Day After Thanksgiving

12-24 Christmas Eve

12-25 Christmas Day

12-31 New Years Eve

Hours of operation

The Records Office is located in the main lobby of the Macomb County Sheriff’s Office.

Business hours for the Records Office:

8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (Monday - Friday, excluding holidays)

8 a.m. – 6 p.m. (Wednesdays) 

8 a.m. - 11 a.m. (Half days)

Fingerprint hours:

8 a.m. - 4 p.m. (Monday - Friday)

Court-ordered fingerprint hours:

9 a.m. - 11 a.m. (Tuesday - Thursday)


Call us at: 586-307-9393

Email us at:



  • FOIA requests must be submitted in writing to the records office. 
  • Fees for FOIA requests are based on labor costs for the review of public records, whether making paper copies, digital copies, transferring digital records through electronic means. Separation and deletion of exempt from nonexempt material will be calculated using the hourly wage of the Department's lowest paid employee capable of conducting the search, location, and examination, whether or not they are available or actually perform the labor. Such labor costs shall be estimated and charged in increments of 15 minutes with all partial increments rounded down. The hourly wage will be based on the Department's payroll records for the applicable fiscal year. Labor costs shall also include up to 50% of the hourly wage to partially cover the cost of fringe benefits, not to exceed the actual cost of fringe benefits.  A charge of 10 cents per page for documents and the actual cost of electronic media (e.g., disks and USB drives) may also be charged.
  • Once you receive an invoice for your FOIA request Click here to pay.

  • A permit to purchase a handgun is available during normal business hours. Once you have received your purchase permit you have 30 calendar days to purchase. Once purchased, you have 10 calendar days to return the MSP/Registry copy to our office. If you fail to do so, you may be subject to a state civil infraction costing up to $250.
  • Purchase permits are only required for purchases from private parties. They are not required when purchasing from a dealer.
  • If you do not purchase the handgun within the 30 day period, the permit must still be returned. The drop box for returning purchase permits is located in the vestibule of the main entrance (24/7). Only permits issued by the Sheriff’s Office will be accepted.
  • Concealed weapon permit – Click here for applications and instructions. 

Police / incident reports

  • Most police reports are available after seventy-two (72) hours; the fee is $6 for a copy of incident/accident report.
  • Reports can be retrieved at the Sheriff's Office.
  • CRASH / Accident Reports can be requested in person or purchased online, please click here. 

Fingerprints (ink only)

  • If you need to be fingerprinted for certain licensing or job-related activities, prints can be obtained at the Records Office.
  • Photo Identification is required; the fee is $19.
  • Obtain these during the hours of 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. (Monday - Friday)

Court-ordered fingerprints

  • Photo identification and court order is required.
  • Processed during the hours of 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. (Tuesday – Friday)

Police clearance (local area only)

  • You may obtain a copy of a police clearance during normal business hours.
  • Photo Identification is required; the fee is $6 if you have a record and $0 if not.  
  • To access the state-level clearance tool, please click here.

Proof of incarceration

  • You may obtain proof of incarceration during normal business hours.
  • Photo Identification is required; the fee is $4.

Notary public

  • Notaries are available during business hours.
  • The fee is $10.