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Human Resources

Staff - Human Resources and Labor Relations

Meet the Macomb County Human Resources and Labor Relations team.

HRLR staff


Administrative support staff

Employee training services

  • Jessica Braboy, training assistant (bio coming soon!)

Human Resources and Labor Relations consultants (HRLR consultants)

HRLR Consultants support the deputy director and service director in the administration of human resources and labor relations services. Find out more about our consultants and the departments they serve by exploring their biographies.

Employment services

Benefit services

Benefit services provides guidance on all benefits for both active employees and retirees. They assist active employees and retirees in navigating their benefit packages, provide guidance on the Macomb County Retirement System (MCERS) as well as the 401(a) plan and process Leave of Absence requests and Workers' Compensation claims for active employees.

For active employees:

For retirees:


Operations administration oversees human resource related data management and reporting, compliance and record retention activities and position control and salary administration. 

Reception and general assistance