Properties facing foreclosure in 2025
Property owners are responsible for paying their property taxes. Our office can help explain the tax foreclosure process, work with you to develop a payment plan, or refer you to assistance programs that may be available. Are you facing tax foreclosure because of unpaid 2022 or earlier taxes? If so, March 31 is the deadline to pay or set up a plan to avoid losing your home. Tax foreclosure can occur once property taxes are delinquent for three years. For example, 2022 property taxes became delinquent on March 1, 2023, forfeited to the county Treasurer on March 1, 2024 and can be foreclosed as early as February 2025.
As part of the foreclosure judgment, you can redeem your property by paying the 2022 and prior year taxes by March 31, 2025.
Find your balance due
The first step is to obtain the balance of your 2022 and prior year property taxes. You can find that balance using the property address on BS&A Once on the page you can search by entering the owner's name, property address or parcel number in the box near the top of the page.
Determine if you need more time to pay and request a hardship extension
We will work with you to develop a payment plan, please fill out our hardship extension request form and you will be contacted by our office.
If you are unable to fill out the request form, please:
- Download a paper copy of the application from the forms section of our website.
- Deliver it to our office at 1 S. Main St., 2nd floor, Mount Clemens, or email the forms to
Call to schedule an appointment
Lastly, call the Macomb County Treasurer’s office at 586-469-5446 to schedule an appointment to meet with a tax consultant.
The time to act is now! To do nothing is your worst option. My staff and I are here to help assist you.
- Lawrence Rocca
Housing and financial education
Free financial and foreclosure counseling is available to you by calling Michigan State University Extension Certified Housing Counselors at 586-469-6430.
Other assistance options
If you meet the eligibility requirements, you may be eligible under MCL 211.7u for an exemption in whole or in part from the collection of property taxes. For more information or assistance, contact your local treasurer's office.
If the property is your principal residence and you meet the eligibility criteria, you may apply for an exemption under MCL 211.7cc and 211.7dd of the General Property Tax Act. To claim a PRE, you must submit a Principal Residence Exemption Affidavit, Form 2368 to the assessor for the city or township in which the property is located.
Michigan's homestead property tax credit is how the State of Michigan can help you pay some of your property taxes if you are a qualified Michigan homeowner or renter and meet the requirements. You should complete the Michigan Homestead Property Tax Credit Claim MI-1040CR to see if you qualify for the credit. Find the appropriate form here.
The following community resources are available for Macomb County residents; contact the organization or visit their website for more information.
- Macomb County's Financial Empowerment page is a one-stop-shop for local financial resources
- Check our the Right Connection Online Services Directory for free and low-cost services available in Macomb County.