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Administration Building - Parking Deck Rehabilitation Project

Starting September 30, all public parking in the parking structure will be closed for approximately 8 weeks. Public parking is available in the city of Mount Clemens Yellow Lot across Main Street. Thank you for your patience!

Bidis and clove cigarettes

What are these products and their associated health risks?


Bidis (or "beedies") are small, flavored, filter-less Indian cigarettes. Bidis are tobacco, hand-rolled in a tendu or temburi leaf (plants native to Asia), and tied with colorful strings on the ends.  

Health risks:

Bidis are not a "safe" alternative to cigarettes. Available scientific research indicates that bidi smokers run the risk of developing oral cancers, lung cancers and other health problems - just like cigarette smokers. According to the CDC, an unfiltered bidi releases three to five times more tar and nicotine than a regular cigarette, despite containing less tobacco. Bidi smoke also contains more deadly chemicals, such as ammonia and carbon monoxide, than regular cigarette smoke.

According to the tobacco product definitions of the Federal Trade Commission and the Food & Drug Administration, most if not all state laws, and the Master Settlement Agreement, bidis fall under the definition of cigarettes. Therefore, among other things: 

  • Packs of bidis must display the Surgeon General's Warning
  • It is illegal to sell bidis to minors
  • Bidis are taxed at the same rate as cigarettes, and must bear tax stamps

Clove cigarettes

Clove cigarettes, also called kreteks ("kree-teks"), are imported mainly from Indonesia or other southeast Asian countries. Kreteks contain 60 percent to 70 percent tobacco and 30 percent to 40 percent ground cloves, clove oil and other additives.

Health risks:

Clove cigarettes generate the same health risks as cigarettes. Clove cigarettes deliver more nicotine, carbon monoxide and tar than regular cigarettes.

For information on both bidis and kreteks please refer to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

Contact Tobacco Prevention