The one-year plan, also known as the Annual Action Plan, describes funding and activities for the program year. The Annual Action Plan includes planned programs and funding amounts under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) and the Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) programs. Annual Action Plans are available to the public in the administration office of Macomb Community Action located at 21885 Dunham Rd., Suite 10, Clinton Township, MI 48036.
2023 Annual Action Plan Executive Summary
2022 Annual Action Plan Substantial Amendment
2022 Annual Action Plan Executive Summary
2021 Annual Action Plan Substantial Amendment
2021 Annual Action Plan Substantial Amendment #1 - HOME-ARP Allocation Plan
2021 Annual Action Plan Executive Summary
2020 Annual Action Plan Executive Summary
2019 Annual Action Plan Substantial Amendment - CARES ACT #6
2019 Annual Action Plan Substantial Amendment - CARES Act #5
2019 Annual Action Plan Substantial Amendment - CARES Act #4
2019 Annual Action Plan Substantial Amendment - CARES Act #3
2019 Annual Action Plan Substantial Amendment - CARES Act #2
2019 Annual Action Plan Substantial Amendment - CARES Act
The five-year plan, also known as the Consolidated Plan, provides a long-term strategy for federally funded housing and community development needs and programs.
2014 -2018 Macomb HOME Consortium Consolidated and 2014 Urban County of Macomb Annual Action Plans
The CAPER is submitted to HUD annually. It describes activity during the program year for the CDBG, HOME, and ESG programs. The report also discusses general housing issues and assesses program performance based on the Annual Action Plan.
The Citizen Participation Plan describes the policies and procedures for involving citizens in critical planning issues and funding recommendations related to the CDBG, HOME and ESG programs.
The Analysis of Impediments of Fair Housing Choice involves a comprehensive review and assessment of how the County's laws, regulations, policies, and procedures affect the location, availability and how conditions, both public and private, affect fair housing choice.
Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice - Final Report 2019