Brownfield Plan for proposed Lutz Roofing headquarters, located at Hamlin Road, Shelby Township, Michigan
The proposed reuse for this property includes the construction of a two-story 34,200 square foot building for office and warehousing space that will serve as the headquarters for Lutz Roofing. The property is contaminated with hazardous substances under environmental laws and regulations, and/or was determined by an assessor to be functionally obsolete or blighted.
Lutz Roofing Brownfield Plan 3/21/2024
Notice to all taxing jurisdictions - Hamlin/Ryan Properties LLC
Notice of public hearing to adopt a brownfield plan
Brownfield Plan for the property located at Parcel ID 07-06-12-227-003, 66942 Gratiot Avenue, Richmond, Macomb County, Michigan, 48062
Redevelopment plans call for demolition of an abandoned 1,720-square foot, former automotive repair garage and construction of a 2,024-square foot Wendy’s restaurant (the Project). The Property qualifies as 'eligible property" under Act 381 based on meeting the definition of a “facility”, as defined in Part 201, Environmental Remediation, of the Natural Resources and Environmental
Protection Act, 1994 PA 451 as amended.
Protection Act, 1994 PA 451 as amended.