To serve you more efficiently, email questions regarding services. Include your name, phone number or other contact information with city of residence.
If you are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech impaired, you may wish to utilize the Michigan Relay Service by calling 7-1-1 for assistance in placing a call to Macomb Community Action.
Rent and mortgage assistance
- Eviction
- Homelessness
- Foreclosure
Eligibility and guidelines vary. Documentation for program eligibility is required.
Utility assistance - water

- The Water Residential Assistance Program, or WRAP, offers help to pay past-due bills for those within the Great Lakes Water Authority region
- Receive $25 monthly credit toward future bills
- Provide water-saving kits
- Assist with plumbing repairs
Learn more about WRAP Water Bill Assistance
For non-WRAP communities, other funding may be available to help you catch up on past-due water bills. Contact MCA Community Action Centers at 586-469-6999 to learn more.
Utility assistance - electricity, gas
- Assistance for Macomb County residents facing utility shut-off
- Utility assistance for electric service, natural gas service and deliverable fuels
Eligibility and guidelines will vary. Documentation for program eligibility is required.
Supplemental food program registration
- Focus: HOPE is a food commodity program for seniors age 60 and older
- MCA registers eligible Macomb County residents for supplemental food programs
Tax preparation
- MCA partners with the Accounting Aid Society and Macomb County Veterans Services to provide Macomb County residents free tax preparation and filing services
- Services are offered at IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) sites
- Total household income must be below $57,000
To schedule an appointment call 586-463-2537.
To schedule an appointment with Accounting Aid Society call 313-556-1920.
A free preparation tax site (state and federal) for individuals with an income under $66,000/year is available through H&R Block. Click here for free tax preparation information.
Community Action Center locations
Macomb Community Action - Robert VerKuilen Building - Central
21885 Dunham Road
Clinton Township, MI 48036
Phone 586-469-6964
Fax 586-469-7436
Serving Bruce Township, Armada Village and Township, Romeo, Memphis, Richmond City and Township, Washington Township, Ray Township, Lenox Township, New Haven Village, New Baltimore, Chesterfield Township, Macomb Township, Shelby Township, Utica, Sterling Heights, Clinton Township, Mount Clemens, Harrison Township, Fraser and St. Clair Shores.
Macomb Community Action Max Thompson Family Resource Center - South
11370 Hupp Ave.
Warren, MI
Phone 586-759-9150
Fax 586-759-9156
Serving Warren, Center Line, Roseville and Eastpointe.