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Health Department

Emergency Preparedness Program

The Macomb County Health Department Emergency Preparedness Program serves to protect the health of Macomb County citizens before, during and after an emergency through the integration of public health and medical preparedness initiatives and by developing strong partnerships.

What is a public health emergency?

Public health emergencies can take many forms: disease epidemics or pandemics; large-scale incidents of food or water contamination; extended periods without adequate water and sewer services; or harmful exposure to chemical, radiological, or biological agents. All disasters have a public health component, and the purpose of the Emergency Preparedness Program is to provide emergency preparedness plans, training, exercises, and emergency response to those who live, work and play in Macomb County so they know what to do for themselves, their families, and the community in the event of an emergency or disaster.

Additional resources

Community emergency preparedness guide

Community Emergency Preparedness Guide - Emergency Management | Macomb County ( – This Community Emergency Preparedness Workbook will assist those who live and work in Macomb County in preparing for natural and man-made disasters. Having a plan in place when an emergency strikes allows those affected to react in a safe and effective manner, to better prepare you to take quick action to protect yourself, your family and your property during an emergency.

Hazard mitigation planning

Hazard Mitigation Planning - Emergency Management | Macomb County (– The County Hazard Mitigation Plan identifies natural and human-caused hazards that pose a threat to the community; ranks the hazards based on the potential threat they pose to the population, property, and the economy; and recommends projects to reduce or eliminate the potential impacts of the identified hazards. Each community in the county, as well as the county itself, adopts the plan as the official hazard mitigation plan for the jurisdiction.

Bioterrorism disease agenda

Bioterrorism Disease Agents - The U.S. public health system must be prepared to address various biological agents, including those which pose a risk to national security because they can be easily transmitted from person to person; result in high mortality rates; might cause public panic and social disruption; and require special action for public health preparedness.

Contact Emergency Preparedness 

The Macomb County Health Department Emergency Preparedness program serves to protect the health of Macomb County citizens before, during, and after an emergency through the integration of public health and medical preparedness initiatives and by developing strong partnerships. The program also manages our Medical Reserve Corps Team, which assists in strengthening our emergency response and preparedness efforts for our community. All emergencies begin locally, and the local health department affected will take a lead role amidst a public health emergency. The Emergency Preparedness Program encourages all residents to have an emergency supply kit, an emergency plan, and to be informed about the different emergencies that can happen in their area.
