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CPL renewal application

Welcome to the CPL renewal application information page of the Macomb County Clerk / Register of Deeds website.

Renew your CPL by using the Concealed Pistol License renewals system on Michigan State Police website using your PIN (See your renewal letter for PIN Number)


Review CPL application requirements


Review training requirements

All renewal applicants must complete at least three (3) hours of review of the current Firearms laws and  have at least 1 hour of firing range time within six months of submitting your application. This may be completed by either:

  1. Taking a review course (which includes firing range time) with a local certified instructor or...
  2. CLICK HERE for complete Firearms requirements
  3. CLICK HERE to review the Firearms Laws of Michigan

You will be signing the statement on the application that you have completed the 3-hour requirement and have had at least 1 hour firing range time. This information will be documented on the application at time of submitting the CPL application to the Clerk’s Office. (If completing on your own, range time must be done at a shooting range.)


Launch Renewals System

Renew your CPL by using the Concealed Pistol License renewals system on Michigan State Police website using your PIN (See your renewal letter for PIN Number)

 Launch renewals systems

Current police officers applying for the first time after July 1, 2001, are required to meet the training requirements set forth above under heading, "Training Requirements." If the officer is from a Local Police Department that has been certified by M.C.O.L.E.S. to provide training to its officers for obtaining a CPL, the officer may alternatively present a certificate or letter from the Police Department stating that he/she has successfully completed the training requirement.

For officers applying for a RENEWAL, the officer must certify to the Gun Board that he/she completed three hours review and an hour of fire range prior to submitting application.

The educational requirements are waived for RETIRED Police Officers or RETIRED Law Enforcement officers. (i.e. letter from chief of police showing proof of retiring in good standing from his/her employment or retirement card). Former police officers must complete and show proof of 8-hour training.

  • Mailing Address: CPL Clerk, 120 North Main Street, Mount Clemens, MI 48043
  • Phone: 586-469-5749