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Administration Building - Parking Deck Rehabilitation Project

Starting September 30, all public parking in the parking structure will be closed for approximately 8 weeks. Public parking is available in the city of Mount Clemens Yellow Lot across Main Street. Thank you for your patience!

Circuit Court Header Swift and Sure Probation Program

Swift and Sure Sanctions Probation Program

A judicially-supervised program of intense supervision, education, treatment, and guidance to felony offenders with a history of probation violations

Mission Statement:
The mission of the 16th Judicial Circuit Court Swift and and Sure Sanctions Probation Program is to provide a judicially-supervised program of intense supervision, education, treatment, and guidance to Macomb County high-risk felony offenders with a history of probation violations for failures, and produce sober, law-abiding and productive citizens resulting in reduction of crime, reduction in cost to the community, reduction of recidivism rates, and a safer community.
  • Established 2018
  • Honorable James M. Maceroni
  • Sanction sessions are held on Monday and Thursday at 2:30 pm.
  • Sentencing and orientation hearings are held on Thursday at 2:30 pm.
Eligibility Requirements:
  • High risk felony probationers with a history of non-compliance/failure of probation.
  • Macomb County Resident.
  • Must not have one of the excluded charges listed on the statute.
  • Must score a Medium or High on COMPAS. 
  • No eligibility requirements for substance use or mental health.
  • The Presentence Investigation Report (PSI) is needed to review for the program. 
  • The Michigan Department of Corrections, Probation Department will complete a Swift and Sure eligibility form, which will be attached to the back of every PSI.
  • At the time of sentencing, the Judge, seeing that a defendant is eligible, may request that a defendant be considered for Swift and Sure, and adjourn sentencing for 2-3 weeks.
  • The originating Court or the defense attorney may notify the Program Coordinator to have the Swift and Sure team review the case.
  • If accepted, the case will be reassigned to Judge Maceroni and rescheduled for both sentencing and the orientation hearing.
  • If denied, the case will remain on the docket of the originating Court. 
For more information, please contact Brett Karwowicz, Specialty Court Coordinator 586-463-8746