Contact: Dawn Fraylick
Office: +1 (586) 469-5737
March 13, 2023

Mount Clemens, MI - Today, two former Warren Police Officers were back in court in connection with an alleged assault following a traffic stop in Centerline.
It is alleged that on Thursday, July 20, 2023 Officer Dammeon Player, age 50, and Officer Carlos Taylor, age 28, were on shift as uniformed officers for the City of Warren. Both officers conducted a traffic stop on a semi-truck operated by the victim. The traffic stop was made outside of the officers jurisdiction. Officer Player allegedly used unnecessary force during the arrest of the victim.
Dammeon Player was charged with Felonious Assault (four-year felony), and Public Official Willful Failure to Uphold the Law (one-year misdemeanor). Carlos Taylor was charged with Public Official Willful Failure to Uphold the Law (one-year misdemeanor), and Assault and Battery (93 day misdemeanor).
Today, both men were in Centerline District Court in front of District Court Judge Steve Bieda. A Preliminary Exam was scheduled for Dammeon Player on Wednesday, May 8, 2024 at 8:45am and a Final Pretrial was scheduled for Carlos Taylor on Wednesday, June 5, 2024 at 8:45am.
"Our duty is to uphold the law and ensure that justice is served without bias or favoritism. Regardless of one's uniform, badge, or position, everyone is held equally accountable under the law. The charges against these officers reflect our commitment to that principle,” said Macomb County Prosecutor Peter J. Lucido.
The Macomb County Prosecutor’s office represents the people. We are committed to achieving justice and following the laws of the State of Michigan. All that are accused of a crime are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.