Contact: Dawn Fraylick
Office: +1 (586) 469-5737
Cell: +1 (586) 842-4421
April 12, 2024

Mount Clemens, MI - A 29-year-old New Baltimore man was arraigned on multiple charges in connection with driving a stolen vehicle.
It is alleged that on Thursday, April 11, 2024, Devante Everette was driving a stolen vehicle on Gratiot near Metro Parkway. Macomb County Sheriff Deputies attempted a traffic stop and Everette fled police, disobeying traffic signals. Everette drove onto I-94. Deputies tried to stop the vehicle and the defendant made a U-turn and continued to drive the wrong way on I-94. Deputies were able to eventually stop the vehicle. Everette had an infant and a three-year old child in the back seat of the vehicle. The children were taken to a nearby hospital and released to a family member.
Everette was charged with two counts of Child Abuse in the Second Degree (10 year felonies), Recieving and Concealing Stolen Property (five year felony), and Fleeing a Police Officer in the Fourth Degree (two year felony).
On Friday, April 12, 2024, Everette was arraigned in 41B Clinton Township District Court by Magistrate Ryan Zemke where bond was set at $10,000 cash/surety. A Probable Cause Conference is scheduled for Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 8:30 am by District Court Judge Sebastian Lucido.
"The reckless disregard for innocent lives displayed by this individual is staggering. The danger he placed those children in cannot be overstated. Such egregious behavior will be met with the full force of the law, as we seek to ensure the safety of our communities and hold him accountable for the serious consequences of his actions," said Macomb County Prosecutor Peter J. Lucido.
The Macomb County Prosecutor’s office represents the people. We are committed to achieving justice and following the laws of the State of Michigan. All that are accused of a crime are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.