e-Filing resources
ImageSoft, Inc. is the 16th Judicial Circuit Court's electronic filing service provider and MiFILE is the e-File and Serve application. MiFILE, powered by TrueFiling, Michigan's statewide e-Filing program is a 24/7 web-based e-File and e-Service solution for courts, law firms, attorneys, and self-represented filers. Please follow this website for further information - MiFILE
E-Filing has now been enabled on all existing [A], [C], [F], [N], [P], [DM], and [DO] case types. This includes new files and existing files.
At this time, PPOs are the only cases which are e-filed at case initiation.
e-Filing overview
All Judges are participating in the e-Filing project at the 16th Judicial Circuit Court.
The Court's e-Filing project continues with [A], [C], [F], [N], [P], [DM], and [DO] case types.
You will be notified at case initiation if your case is assigned to e-Filing.
Please review the e-Filing Resources below for further information about the Court's e-Filing project.
e-Filing resources
- e-Filing Courts in Michigan (updated 10/24/2019)
- Administrative Order 2019-4 (updated 10/23/2019)
- Case Evaluation Summaries (updated 10/30/2019)
- Frequently Asked Questions (updated 11/09/2020)
- Redefined Case-Type Code for Business Courts (06/01/2015)
MiFILE resources
- MiFILE Login Page
- MiFILE Online Training
- MiFILE Service Reminder Notice (10/05/2018)
- MiFILE e-Filing System Notice
For TrueFiling technical Support, please call 855-959-8868 or send an e-mail to support@truefiling.com
ImageSoft, Inc., the Court's e-Filing vendor: http://www.imagesoftinc.com/