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Department of Roads announces more than $100 million in road, bridge, and traffic projects and urges motorists to help keep work zones safe

Press Release

Work includes more than 50 projects and infrastructure improvements throughout Macomb County

MOUNT CLEMENS, Mich. – As part of National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW), which takes place April 15-19, the Macomb County Department of Roads (MCDR) announced plans for the 2024 construction season. The 2024 schedule includes more than 50 projects and more than $100 million in reconstruction, rehabilitation, and infrastructure improvements throughout Macomb County.

“From preventative maintenance, rehabilitation, and reconstruction to enhancing the safety and efficiency of our roadways, the Department of Roads works relentlessly to deliver projects that support the transportation infrastructure needs of our region,” said Macomb County Executive Mark A. Hackel. “We can fix any road or bridge if we have sufficient funding. We will continue to advocate and apply for additional state and federal resources to address the more than $2.4 billion in necessary road and bridge improvements across Macomb County."

The construction program includes 13 primary and local road projects, nine bridges and culverts, in addition to more than 20 asphalt resurfacing and concrete pavement repair projects as part of MCDR’s county-wide pavement preservation program.

“Significant infrastructure improvements are underway throughout Macomb County as part of our ongoing commitment to improve the quality and longevity of our transportation system,” said MCDR Director Bryan Santo. “By making data-driven investments and utilizing comprehensive construction and maintenance strategies, the Department of Roads is dedicated to delivering projects that enhance safety and optimize efficiency for all road users.”

Executive Mark Hackel and Department of Roads Director Bryan Santo give remarks at National Work Zone Safety Week press conference

Innovate Mound
The transformational $220 million Innovate Mound project opened on time and on budget in December of 2023. The multi-year project, which broke ground in August of 2021, reconstructed approximately nine miles of the Mound Road corridor between I-696 and M-59 in Warren and Sterling Heights. Remaining work to be completed this year includes replacement of the Bear Creek culvert, the construction of the 8-foot-wide path between 15 Mile Road and 18 Mile Road, installation of permanent pavement markings, restoration and landscaping work, and equipment installation and testing of the intelligent transportation system (ITS) network.

Garfield Road Extension
The second phase of the extension of Garfield Road in Macomb Township is anticipated to be completed in 2024. Construction work between 23 Mile Road and 25 Mile Road will include a new road, new road drainage ditches, traffic light installation, utility modifications, and restoration work. Phase one of the Garfield Road extension project, between 22 Mile Road and 23 Mile Road, was completed on time and on budget in 2023. Garfield Road is an important corridor that provides north and south access throughout Macomb County. The extension of Garfield Road will enhance safety, improve traffic flow, and ease congestion throughout the corridor.

Garfield Road Reconstruction
Garfield Road between 14 Mile Road and 15 Mile Road in Fraser is scheduled for reconstruction, which includes widening the road to three lanes to provide for a center left turn lane and drive approach deceleration lanes. The project includes new concrete pavement, new road drainage infrastructure, culvert replacement over the Harrington Drain, and pedestrian safety enhancements. MCDR is working closely with the city and the school district to coordinate project timing and staging.

Kelly Road Reconstruction and Rehabilitation
Significant work will take place on Kelly Road as part of two projects in Clinton Township and the City of Fraser. Reconstruction work between 14 Mile Road and 15 Mile Road includes a new road, new road drainage infrastructure, traffic light installation, utility relocation, and restoration work. The project is a carryover from the 2023 construction season with work anticipated to be completed in the summer of 2024. Rehabilitation work is also planned between 15 Mile Road to South Nunneley Road and will include the milling and removal of the existing road surface, base repair work, curb and gutter replacement, drive approaches, and new concrete pavement.

Dump truck delivers materials to Kelly Road reconstruction site

Moravian Drive Rehabilitation
More than two miles of Moravian Drive will be rehabilitated between Schoenherr Road and Garfield Road in Clinton Township and the City of Sterling Heights as part of MCDR’s construction program. The project will include the milling and removal of the existing road surface, base repair work, curb and gutter replacement, culvert work. drive approaches, a new asphalt surface, and sidewalk gap completion.

Traffic and Safety
MCDR has multiple safety and traffic improvement projects, and traffic technology and communication network modernizations planned for this year. In response to increased traffic incidents and adverse driver behaviors such as speeding and distracted driving, MCDR is also developing a Comprehensive Transportation Safety Action Plan (CTSAP), which will include a complete traffic and safety review of all roads under Macomb County jurisdiction. The safety action plan will allow MCDR to analyze the latest traffic data, explore new traffic and safety technologies, and identify potential projects to enhance safety for all road users in Macomb County.

Subdivision Roads and Non-Motorized Pathways
Additional work planned throughout the county includes six township residential streets as part of MCDR’s subdivision reconstruction program, which provides funding assistance to townships for residential and subdivision roads. There are also seven non-motorized pathway projects taking place in multiple communities within Macomb County with funding assistance from MCDR. While each city, village, and township is responsible for the construction and maintenance of all non-motorized pathways under their jurisdiction, MCDR offers a non-motorized program to aid local municipalities with non-motorized infrastructure within Macomb County’s right of way.

Work Zone Safety
Between state, county and local projects, there will be hundreds of work zones throughout Macomb County this year. MCDR urges drivers to remain alert and practice caution to keep themselves and road workers safe. To help keep the roads as safe as possible, MCDR strongly encourages drivers to practice these driving tips:

  • Plan ahead. Expect delays, plan for them, and leave early to reach your destination on time. When you can, avoid work zones altogether by using alternate routes.
  • Obey road crews and signs. When approaching a work zone, watch for cones, barrels, signs, large vehicles, or workers in bright-colored vests to warn you and direct you where to go.
  • Slow down. Look for signs indicating the speed limit through the work zone. Keep a safe distance from the vehicle ahead of you and follow the posted speed limit.
  • Move over. Most state move-over laws apply when passing work crews and official vehicles parked on the shoulder with flashing warning lights.
  • Avoid distractions. Keep your eyes on the road and off your phone at all times.
  • Watch for sudden stoppages. Don’t make sudden lane changes in front of trucks that are trying to slow down.

Below is a list of primary and local road, bridge, and traffic projects that are planned for 2024. The estimated cost for each project includes materials, labor, and equipment required to build or repair infrastructure.

Project Location Estimated Cost Type of Work Community
18 Mile Road Hayes Road to east of Garfield Road $3,500,000  Rehabilitation Clinton Township
21 Mile Road Over the North Branch Clinton River $385,696  Preventative Maintenance Macomb Township
22 Mile Road Over the Middle Branch Clinton River $373,416  Preventative Maintenance Macomb Township
‎23 Mile Road CN Railroad to Gratiot Avenue (M-3) $4,004,195  Reconstruction Chesterfield Township
28 Mile Road Over the Lenox Drain $150,000  Rehabilitation Lenox Township
28 Mile Road Over the Camp Brook Drain $141,015  Preventative Maintenance Ray Township
32 Mile Road and Eldred Road Intersection $800,000  Reconstruction Bruce Township and Washington Township
33 Mile Road Lowe Plank Road to North Main Street (M-19) $500,000  Preventative Maintenance Richmond and Richmond Township
Armada Ridge Road Over the Salt River $150,000  Rehabilitation Richmond Township
Bates Road Over the Deer Creek TBD Preventative Maintenance Lenox
Campground Road Van Dyke Avenue Intersection $1,964,197  Roundabout Construction Washington Township
Garfield Road 14 Mile Road to 15 Mile Road $5,500,000  Reconstruction Fraser
Garfield Road 23 Mile Road to 25 Mile Road $8,277,804  Reconstruction Macomb Township
Hicks Road Over the Coon Creek TBD Preventative Maintenance Armada Township
Kelly Road 15 Mile Road to South Nunneley Road $1,557,423  Rehabilitation Clinton Township
Kelly Road 14 Mile Road to 15 Mile Road $5,521,725  Reconstruction Clinton Township and Fraser
Kelly Road and Masonic Boulevard Intersection $445,996  Reconstruction Fraser and Roseville
Moravian Drive Schoenherr Road to Garfield Road $4,747,303  Rehabilitation Clinton Township and Sterling Heights
Mound Road I-696 to M-59 $220,000,000  Reconstruction Sterling Heights and Warren
North Avenue Over the East Branch Cook Creek $231,333  Preventative Maintenance Armada Township
School Section Road Lowe Plank Road to Memphis Ridge Road $500,000  Preventative Maintenance Richmond Township
School Section Road Over the Logg Drain $150,000  Rehabilitation Richmond Township
Washington Road Bridge Over the Salt River $4,004,226  Bridge Replacement Chesterfield Township
Wolcott Road Over the North Branch Clinton River $149,073  Preventative Maintenance Ray Township
Asphalt Pavement Preservation Program Multiple Locations $3,000,000  Repairs on Various Roads within the County Various Locations
Concrete Pavement Preservation Program Multiple Locations $3,000,000  Repairs on Various Roads within the County Various Locations
Comprehensive Transportation Safety Action Plan Countywide $1,000,000  Safety and Traffic Various Locations
Candler Drive Subdivision Road $612,222  Reconstruction Shelby Township
Donnybrook Drive Subdivision Road $796,601  Reconstruction Shelby Township
Heatherway Drive Subdivision Road $396,364  Reconstruction Shelby Township
North Blom Drive and Cloverleaf Street Subdivision Road $425,253  Reconstruction Harrison Township
North Miles Street Subdivision Road $790,130  Reconstruction Clinton Township
Nadine Drive Subdivision Road $350,000  Reconstruction Shelby Township
25 Mile Road Non-Motorized Pathway $356,558  Pedestrian Bridge Construction Shelby Township
25 Mile Road and Broughton Road Non-Motorized Pathway $390,871  Pathway Construction Macomb Township
26 Mile Road Non-Motorized Pathway $1,288,785  Pedestrian Bridge Construction Washington Township
Bonior Trail Non-Motorized Pathway $2,032,115  Pathway Improvements Clinton Township
Clinton River Spillway Trail Non-Motorized Pathway $728,635  Pathway Improvements Clinton Township
Jefferson Avenue Pathway Non-Motorized Pathway $660,810  Pathway Construction Chesterfield Township
Schoenherr Road Pedestrian Bridge Non-Motorized Pathway $513,000  Pedestrian Bridge Construction Sterling Heights

To help road users navigate Macomb County construction work, the public can subscribe to the Macomb Work Zone – a weekly email from MCDR to keep motorists informed and up to date of what's happening on the roadways. For a list of Macomb County construction projectslocations, information, or to sign up for MCDR lane closures and construction updates, visit

Media Contact
Eric Dimoff

Department:Department of Roads
Press Release