Mount Clemens, MI – Macomb County Sheriff Anthony Wickersham is excited to announce the launch of the comfort bags – “Love in a Bag” - pilot program. This is a collaborative initiative between the Macomb County Sheriff’s Office and Susie Q’s Kids.
“We are proud to offer these comfort bags to children who may need a little extra support during a difficult time,” state Macomb County Sheriff Anthony Wickersham. “This community-focused endeavor will be enhanced through our partnership with Susie Q’s Kids and Dr. Mary Welsh.”
The Comfort Bags will be carried by Deputies working in Macomb Township. When a Deputy comes across a child in a vulnerable and difficult situation, the Deputy will provide the child with a comfort bag. The colorful drawstring bags contain a stuffed animal panda bear, blanket, and activity items to keep kids occupied such as coloring books and crayons, card games, playdoh or silly putty, or books.
“Susie Q’s Kids is grateful for the opportunity to partner with the Macomb County Sheriff’s Department to provide comfort bags to kids in need. We recognize our sheriffs are presented with various situations involving kids, medical, emergent, and grief,” stated Dr Mary Welsh, President, and Co-Founder Susie Q’s Kids. “Our hope is they can help the child navigate the situation with our “Love in a Bag” program involving a panda bear, blanket, and activity bag.”
Susie Q’s Kids, Inc. was started in honor of Susan McBride, a young woman who loved kids, giving back, and living every day to the fullest. At 31 years old, Susie succumbed to a life-ending infection. Her family, through Susie Q’s Kids, has kept her positive spirt and desire to help others alive.
For more information on Susie Q’s Kids, visit: