When you left the employ of the County, you also left behind a great benefit: collective bargaining. Now, in retirement, the Macomb County Retirees' Association takes an active interest in all matters that affect your continuing benefits.
Your annual dues help support the primary mission of MCRA to be a retiree advocate to the Macomb County government and to foster the continuation of social relationships between its retired employees. MCRA representatives monitor activities affecting our retirement system and member benefits. They represent members' interests before the Macomb County Retirement Board and the Board of Commissioners.
Our newsletter, The Retiree Connection, is published quarterly in February, May, August, and November to keep members informed of activities and relevant news.
Association website: https://www.macombretirees.org/
If you wish to become a member, you can complete the application below and submit it to the Retirement Association:
Macomb County Retirees Association Application
Or apply online by clicking the link below: