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2025 "Knocking Violence Out of My School" Video Competition

The Macomb County Prosecutor’s Office continues to work diligently to prevent school threats, violence, weapons, and bullying in Macomb County schools. Prosecutor Lucido implemented a student competition called “Knocking Violence Out of My School” so students can talk talk peer to peer about school threats, violence, weapons, and bullying.


The Macomb County Prosecutor’s Office is committed to addressing school threats, violence, weapons, and bullying in Macomb County schools. In partnership with “A Brighter Michigan,” the office is excited to announce the third annual “Knocking Violence Out of My School” student video competition. This initiative empowers students to engage with their peers to create safer, more supportive school environments.

The 2025 “Knocking Violence Out of My School” video competition invites students to create videos that address themes of anti-threats, anti-violence, anti-weapons, and anti-bullying. Videos should be no longer than two minutes and will be judged by assistant prosecutors and staff from the Macomb County Prosecutor’s Office Juvenile Unit.

Important Dates:

  • Submission Deadline: Monday, March 31, 2025, at 5:00 PM
  • Winners Announced: Monday, April 14, 2025


  • 1st Place: $1,000 + a Hero Award for the school
  • 2nd Place: $750
  • 3rd Place: $500

For inspiration, students can visit the Macomb County Prosecutor’s Office website to view ideas and videos from previous winners.

Submission Guidelines:

2024 winners

 Jordan Serafimovski  - Dwight D. Eisenhower High School Junior

Dalyace Griggs - Roseville High School Senior

Noah Johnson - L'Anse Creuse North High School Junior

2023 winners

First-place winner of the “Knocking Violence Out of My School” video competition is sophomore Moriah White of L’Anse Creuse High School (LCHS). Moriah’s video was created as part of her curriculum in the TV & Broadcast Media class at the FV Pankow Center, part of LCHS. Moriah points out, “I did the video because the day before we were told about the assignment, the school shooting at Michigan State took place, and it just felt right to do my video on something that is starting to become so common.” 

Moriah’s TV & Broadcast Media teacher at FV Pankov Center Michael Kaufman said, “Video competitions, like the one that was produced by the Macomb County Prosecutor's Office affect both the students who create the videos and those who view them. The students creating this video not only thought about how to curb violence in our schools, but also how to effectively communicate those concerns to their peers. I can't thank the Macomb County Prosecutor's office enough for engaging our students, and offering this competition, which motivates students to push their creative boundaries to have a positive effect on their community.”  Congratulations Moriah!

First-place video by Moriah White of L'Anse Creuse High School

Second-place winner is Cole Pannell of New Haven High School.  Cole says, “When I initially saw the competition I wanted to do it because I love to produce little short films with my friends. As I began to storyboard the video I started to relate to the topic more and more. This year alone my school has experienced threats. One of my friends missed his senior night for soccer because of a “joke” he made to his friends. That incident is one of the many events that helped inspire me to work on this video.  I thought this video competition was an amazing idea to engage more students about the issue of threats, bullying and other issues that plague schools. I loved working on this with my friends knowing that our classmates would see our video and have an impact on them.“  Cole started Cole Pannell Photography with his brother.  In October 2022, Cole’s photography was exhibited in the Anton Art Center in Mount Clemens.  Congratulations Cole on your continued success!

Second-place video by Cole Pannell of New Haven High School

Third-place winner of the video competition is Mr. Bussineau’s First Hour Street Law Class from Romeo High School.  The Street Law Class is a criminal justice class that focuses on laws and public safety. Mr. Bussineau explains, “After the MSU shooting the students were tired of talking about school violence and wanted to do something about it. The students utilized the newly added Mock Trial classroom furniture in their Law and Public Safety classroom and Video Production Classroom video editing software to send a message about the consequences of making a false school threat.”  Congratulations to all of Mr. Bussineau’s first hour Street Law Class students!

Third-place winner by Mr. Bussineau’s First Hour Street Law Class from Romeo High School