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Planning services - Land use, zoning and policy

Find information on master plans and downtown development plans.

One of the primary functions of the Macomb County Community Planning Division is to assist with the land use and zoning functions of our local communities. The planning services work group is available to assist communities with community-wide master plans, area plans (such as downtown districts), and five-year parks, recreation and open space plans. 

Public Act 33 of 2008 Michigan Planning Enabling Act indicates a local unit of government must develop, adopt, implement and maintain a master plan. This PED workgroup is able to perform master plan reviews for communities in and adjoining Macomb County, in accordance with the requirements set forth in the state of Michigan planning statute. Additionally, the work group can provide demographic data and analysis, host public outreach sessions and assist in updating an existing plan. 

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources requires communities to have an approved five-year parks, recreation and open space plan on file in order to be eligible to apply for Land and Water Conservation Fund, Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund and Waterways grants. Please get in touch with this workgroup if you need assistance updating your community's plan. 

Below are links to several local community plans that the department has helped draft:


Community master plans and recreation plans

In a continuous effort to support Macomb County's destinations and economic generators, the Planning and Economic Development team provides advisory services to County downtowns and corridors to help implement physical and economic development initiatives. The focal point of this undertaking is to ensure that there is an ongoing dialogue between the County, municipal and business stakeholders associated with each downtown and major corridor.

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