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Annual Macomb County tree and plant sale returns, reasonably priced product available

Press Release
Green Macomb and the Blue Water Conservation District have announced the return of their annual tree and plant sale, an opportunity for the public to purchase young trees, fruit trees, flowering shrubs, wildflower seed and other fruits and vegetables at reasonable prices. The sale will open Feb. 3 and run through April 4.

“Since the sale began eight years ago, we’ve sold thousands of affordable trees and plants to anyone interested in sprucing up their yard or starting a garden,” said Gerard Santoro, program director for Macomb County Parks and Natural Resources. “Not only does this enhance our neighborhoods, it increases our overall green canopy, which is a goal of our Green Macomb program. The benefits of this are wide ranging, including the reduction of air pollution, decreases in energy costs and improved management when it comes to water runoff.” 

Items available for order include arborvitae, Douglas fir, Norway spruce, paper birch, redbud, red osier and much more. Prices range from $7 to $55 while supplies last.

“Once again, we are proud to partner with the Blue Water Conservation District in promoting this tree sale,” Santoro said. “It’s an affordable and convenient way to add to your landscaping, and to increase the abundance of greenery in Macomb County.”

All items purchased can be picked up in person or shipped to your home. There will be two pick-up locations in Macomb County:
  • April 21 and 22 - Armada Fairgrounds
  • April 24 and 25 - Clinton Township Civic Center
 A limited stock of trees and plants will be available for purchase on site.

Since the sale began eight years ago, more than 100,000 trees and plants have been purchased by residents, businesses and communities throughout Macomb County. For more information on the tree and plant sale, visit the Green Macomb website.
Department:Planning and Economic Development
Press Release