The Macomb County Medical Examiner’s office recently announced that it will be hosting a group of approximately 20 9-11th grade students enrolled in CSI at the PSI, one of Macomb Community College’s nine summer career academies offering hands-on career exploration. The students will be meeting with staff at the Medical Examiner’s office on Thursday, June 27 – the fourth day of the 4-day camp which begins on June 24.
The class is intended to introduce participants to the science and techniques used in the investigation of crime scenes and help promote increased interest in forensics and law enforcement. The first three days of the camp will focus on a variety of hands-on investigative scenarios (i.e. foot impressions, blood splatters, and hair sampling) that culminate in a more comprehensive crime scene scenario at the Macomb County Medical Examiner’s Office on the fourth day of the camp.
"Our staff is enthusiastically participating in this program to share the kind of work we do and how we go about doing it," said Dr. Mary Pietrangelo, chief medical examiner at the Macomb County Medical Examiner’s Office. "It's a unique learning opportunity about forensic science and will clarify reality from what the students see in various media."
“This is our inaugural CSI camp, and I couldn’t be more excited to engage the students enrolled in hands-on exploration of crime scene investigation,” said Macomb Community College Professor Samantha Bowlin who designed the curriculum and will lead participants through the 4-day camp. “This is a great opportunity to introduce this subject matter at an early age and, hopefully, spark a desire to learn more about potential career options, if not more about CSI careers. It simply wouldn’t be possible without the willingness and collaboration with the Macomb County Medical Examiner’s Office.”
“Any time we can help educate the public about our any of our services whether it be public health, social services, senior services, or helping people improve the quality of their lives is time well spent,” said Andrew Cox, director/health officer of Macomb County Health and Community Services. “In this case, we are working with a community partner to provide a truly unique learning opportunity for camp participants to experience the reality and challenges of crime scene investigations.”
Scott Turske