About Case Evaluation/ADR
"Circuit Court Case Evaluation" is an alternative dispute resolution process which requires that most civil cases be evaluated by a panel of three experienced attorney "evaluators" who review written and oral presentations and "evaluate" the monetary value of each case. It is designed to encourage parties to settle their lawsuits short of time consuming and expensive trials by the threat of monetary sanctions if the evaluation is rejected. Once a case is evaluated by a panel, a party who rejects that evaluation faces the possibility of paying the actual costs, including reasonable attorney fees, of the opposing party for the remainder of the case unless the rejecting party improves its position at trial. These costs can be in the tens of thousands of dollars. Thus, there is strong incentive to resolve cases.
The Case Evaluation/ADR Clerks are responsible for implementing the court rule. They schedule hearings in appropriate civil cases, receive the written case summaries, track the evaluations and follow up on the required documentation. Cases not resolved in the case evaluation process are scheduled for trial.
'ADR' or 'Alternative Dispute Resolution' is a process created by Michigan court rule, MCR 2.410, in which parties are referred to a mediator who helps them resolve their dispute, rather than litigate it in court. A judge can refer a case to ADR after consultation with the parties.
… other times during the year.
Case Evaluation/ADR
Phone: 586-469-6479
Effective October 1, 2020
Effective July 28, 2020
- Case evaluations will be held remotely, via Zoom, beginning July 28, 2020.
- Parties will receive Zoom hearing information on the hearing notice or by email approximately one week prior to the hearing date.
- Summaries and payments are to be handled as indicated on the Case Evaluation Hearing Notice.
- For any questions regarding Zoom hearings, please contact case.evaluation@macombgov.org.
- Please be sure your contact information is up-to-date in the MiFile system and your email address is current with the Court.
Effective March 1, 2020
- All case evaluation summaries must be served using the MiFile system. If you require assistance using the MiFile system, please contact support@truefiling.com.
- Case Evaluation summaries cannot be filed with the court. Therefore, beginning March 1, 2020, those submitted using the File option in addition to the Serve option will be rejected.
- Please submit your summary choosing only the Serve option. Be sure that the "File" box is unchecked.
- Failure to correctly submit summaries by the imposed deadline 14 days prior to evaluation will result in late fees being applied.
Current approved lists
ADR Local Administrative Orders
- 2020-09 In re: Adoption of ADR Plan (Rescinds 2014-15)
- 2020-08 In re: Mediation of Cases Evaluated for Less than $25,000
- 2020-07 In re: Selection of Case Evaluators and Case Evaluation Panels (Rescinds 2014-16)
Application information
The Case Evaluation, Civil Mediator and Domestic Relations Mediator application deadlines are October 31 each year.
Applications are now PDF fillable documents. After completing the application, you can print the document to sign. You may then turn it in to Case Evaluation on the 6th floor of the court building, or scan and email to your application and any attachments to case.evaluation@macombgov.org.